
Essay On North American Myths

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Myth of the Mound Builders The construction of the great earthworks of North American antiquity were shrouded in mystery as the first European explores who discovered them were astonished. They were not just astonished at the sight of the massive mounds that were of monument proportion, but at the thought of who created these great feats of human ingenuity. Who could construct such monuments in an area of the world that was secluded from the known world for thousands of years? There are many myths surrounding the construction of the mounds of North America, but none are more troubling and perplexing than the idea that Natives of the Americas were incapable of such feats of ingenuity. I will focus on the myths surrounding the builders of the great mounds of North America, and the research that archeology has used to clarify some of these myths in the search for the true nature of the builders. The earliest myths surrounding the construction of the mounds excluded Natives North American and any insight they had about the mounds. The contemporary idea of the 18th century was that an advanced civilization built the mounds that had didn’t have any connection with Native North American groups of the Northwest. The civilization that was considered …show more content…

(Trigger 20) Throughout much of the nineteenth century, the image that was portrayed of the American native was skewed to resemble barbarism, and at best the noble savage. This image came from the writings that had an objectified, ahistorical, and normative description on the manners and customs of natives. (Mann 4) The influence that this had on American archaeology lasted throughout the nineteenth century, and the portrayal of natives as “inferior to civilized man” had a lasting effect on land seizures by European settlers. (Trigger

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