Nuremberg Trials The Nuremberg Trials is the best-known trail regarding World War II and the Holocaust. This trial took place from November 20th, 1945- October 1st, 1946, and was not the only trial for prosecuting those involved with the horrific acts of the Holocaust. This trial tried major war criminals of being responsible for what happened during the Holocaust. The prosecution and defense attorneys followed the American and British law. The legal proceedings followed the 4 Allied countries that made up the judge tribunal: The British Empire, France, America, and the Soviet Union. Each Allied power had 2 judges, 1 main judge, and an alternate. The Defendants were also allowed to choose their own lawyers. 24 individuals and 6 Nazi’s organizations …show more content…
This happened before they could be brought to stand trial for their horrific actions. Also, Herman Goring (Hitler’s designated successor and head of the German air force “Luftwaffe”), killed himself by hiding a cyanide capsule under a jar of skin medication. He killed himself the night before his execution. The main defense that was used during the trial was: the use of the London charter exposed facto law. Basically, these acts that the defense had committed had not been around at the time and therefore were not illegal at the time the act was committed. The other main defense was: that the trial was a victors’ justice. This means that the Allied powers were being harsher towards them because they had lost the war, and if it was their soldiers on trial they would be much more lenient. They come up with any defense they could as they did not show any remorse for their horrific actions to innocent, men, women, and children. Who could no longer speak for themselves Since the judges and defendants spoke 4 different languages, the instantaneous translation was introduced. This provided each judge and defendant to hear what was going on in their language as men and women would automatically translate into German, Russian, French, and
The Nuremburg Trials were trials held by allied forces to accuse a system of government for war crimes after World War II. These crimes dealt with invading nations, violating the Treaty of Versailles, and primarily “crimes against humanity.” They were later known as the Holocaust, where many victims were deported, enslaved, and executed. The victims of the Holocaust were primarily Jewish, Polish, Gypsies, and handicapped elderly who were considered dangerous. The International Military Tribunal, called the prosecutors consisted of lawyers and judges from the United States, France, and Soviet Union. The purpose of the trial was to decide how to prosecute the judges that did not do their job of serving justice to a multitude of innocent individuals
Back in the times of the Holocaust, after the war took place, some of those who were responsible for the crimes committed, were taken to trial. Those trials took place on 1945 and 1946 in Nuremberg, Germany. The Nuremberg trials conveyed to open consideration the most noticeably bad of the Nazi abominations. “Judgment at Nuremberg” breathes life into those trials. Right up until today, the Nuremberg trials remain as a model for universal criminal tribunals, due in huge measure to the spotlight tossed at them by Mann's emotional translation of the notable occasions. Mann's staggering sympathy strikes at the heart of human, enduring his accomplishment has been to reaffirm humankind and equity in the wake of unspeakable malice; as the world remembers
Most people know of Hitler being the leader of the nazis and “leading” the war on Jews, but in documents it states that he justedx signed off on it because it was brought up by one of his second in command and one of his most trusted people, but before he could be put on trial Hitler ended his life in his bunker so that he couldn't be captured. So the Nuremberg trials consisted of Rudolf Hess, Joachim Freiherr, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, Heinrich Himmler and many more these names are just some of the biggest because they were all his most trusted comrades. All together they were charged with the genocide of Jews, gypsies, gays, and many more. They were also charged with crimes against peace by invading other countries and taking total control of them, they were also charged with crimes against humanity because of the gruesome and awful ways they treated people and how they killed people and they were also charged with conspiracy to commit such crimes all of these charges are major charges mainly resulting in the death penalty due to the nature of the crimes the only one that wasn't worth the death penalty was the conspiracy to commit because they had planned on what they were doing and hadn't even started it yet. Making this one of the many ways that helped them figure there death toll for the Jews. All of these men were killed because of their crimes and for the role they had in the mass
This decision might have been as a means to stand out from the defeated enemy “we will not be unfair”, or to prolong the unity that had been brought on by the common fight against Nazi Germany. The linguistic expectations set out in the charter therefore put high demands on translation or interpreting even before the trial began as they became an absolute prerequisite to its occurence. But what exactly were the technical and linguistic hurdles that had to be overcome in order for the trial to take place?
The family was fundamental to the postemancipation black community. Previous slaves made extraordinary efforts to find their family members from whom they had been detached under slavery. Widows of African American soldiers demanded survivors’ pensions, obligating the federal government to accept the efficacy of prewar relationships that slavery had tried to refuse. Freedom changed the relationships within the black families. Emancipation brought the idea to African Americans that “men and women should inhabit separate “‘spheres.’” African American women could dedicate more time to their families. Blacks left the white-controlled religious institutions and started to create their own churches. Methodists and Baptists were the two largest followings.
The Holocaust was a major event that had happened in the World War II but more specifically between years 1933 to 1945. The Nuremberg trials were mainly created for the reason of the Holocaust, in this tragic event over 11 million men and women had died! 6 million of them were Jewish people, and about 1.5 million of those people were. Nazi Germany had made approximately 20,000 concentration camps, most Sonderkommandos were regularly gassed, and fewer than 20 of the several thousand survived(Sonderkommandos) were the commonly referred names to Jewish people. In Auschwitz there were about 2,000,000 casualties, Belzec had about 600,000 deaths, Bergen-Belsen had about 70,000 deaths, Buchenwald had about 56000 deaths, Chelmno had about 340,000
One possible idea that stood behind establishing the Nuremburg trials was to implement the first tribunal where leaders of brutal war crimes and calculated atrocities against humanity were given the chance to go through the judicial process and prove their case in court, with judges from the opposing side presiding over the trials. A majority of the Allied powers and countries invaded by Nazi Germans preferred summary executions of the Nazi leaders because they considered their crimes to be beyond the scope of human justice. America was the front man for advocating a war crimes trial, expressing a notion of setting an example for the world to see that as victors of World War II, they were willing to show Nazis humanity and a chance to let the
To offer some background, the Nuremberg Trials were a series of trials held in Nuremberg, Germany between the
The Nuremberg trials were the largest trials held to punish the Nazis. Nuremberg, Germany was the chosen site for these trials, therefore the name Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg Trials took place in 1945 and 1946 (The Nuremberg Trials). “Those individuals directly involved in the killing received the most severe punishments.” Judges from the countries of the United States, France, Great Britain, and The Soviet union presided over the Nuremberg Trials (The Nuremberg trials). Of the Nazi’s convicted twelve were sentanced to death, seven were sent to the Spandau Prison in Berlin and ten were hung (The Nuremberg Trials). The majority of the major war leaders were convicted in the Nuremberg Trials and the Allies came together to decide on the punishments of these criminals. The Nuremberg Trials punished many Nazis and Nazi supporters, but many more still remained after the trials and went into hiding to never be
After World War II, the victorious associates made a decision to hold a trail for the defeated Nazi officials. These Trails continued from November 20, 1945 till October 1, 1946. In these Tails, defendant use Nuremberg Defense, a legal strategy employed by many of the defendants at the Nuremberg war crimes trials seeking to convict Nazi perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War, as a defense by claiming they were not guilty of charges against them as they were simply following orders (Rationalwiki). Even though the victors claimed that they would give the defendant a fair trial, on closer examination anyone can see that in reality, these trails were biased and were a victor’s justice (A
In 1995 the FBI counted 7,947 incidents of hate crimes, and in 2013 they counted 5,928 incidents ( These statistics show that the issue of discrimination has gotten better, but still an issue where more action needs to be taken. In the past, we got to see the true face of racial discrimination in Harper Lee’s famous novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. In this novel we could see how everyday interactions, romance and the criminal justice system were influenced by racism, and how people made decisions based on racial prejudice. Nowadays we know that many governments and groups are trying
Taking place in the Palace of Justice courtroom, Judge Dan Haywood, the Chief Trial Judge, began the trial by trying to learn how the defendants could have sentenced so many people to torturous deaths. Haywood sought to understand how the German people could have praised the crimes of the Nazi regime. Hans Rolfe, the defense attorney for the Germans, explained that the judges did not make the laws, they only interpreted it and carried it out, unaware of what happened inside the concentration camps. When Rolfe was making his argument for the defense, he powerfully mixed pity into his statements, making the people question even the moral basis of the court. After Ernst Janning, one of the defendants, admitted his guilt during his defense speech, Rolfe tells the court, “If Ernst Janning is guilty, it is the world’s guilt.” Janning was not the only one who made an oath to follow Nazi principles; many people contributed to Hitler’s tyranny in one way or another. Nazi Germany was the dominant power during the World War II due to many people,
In the play A Doll House, there are many references pertaining how a woman was expected to behave and how men were expected to behave in the time that this play was written. Nora’s character first appears to be very “female”. For an example, she doesn’t have a real job, she spends money carelessly, and she say and do things to make her appear very dependent on Torvald. On the other end Torvald her husband, makes the money for the family and he appears to be the nice one in the house. Role playing seems to be a game in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. The main characters Nora and Torvald pretend to be someone who other people would like them to be, instead of being their true indentify. During those times the rules of society was that a woman was suppose to be a trophy wife and pleased a man in any way he asks and the man works and provides for his family and if you went against the rules you were acting unhuman like. Nora miserable by been treated by the rules of society decides to play by her own rules and leaves her husband despite what society would thinks about her.
From the research I have done Keitel is portrayed as a disgraced desk soldier whose only defence in the trial was that he was obeying orders. I still do not agree with Wilhelm’s argument because he had a choice not to follow through with Hitler’s wishes but instead signed orders for various ruthless killings and attacks. Keitel knew his actions were really obscene but he chose to go through with them to please Hitler. The judge’s final verdict for Wilhelm Keitel was that he is guilty on all four accounts and sentenced to death by hanging. Keitel signed orders for the attacks on the neutral countries of Belgium and the Netherlands. He also ordered the attacks on soldiers in the East that should be met by putting to death fifty to one hundred Communists for one German soldier’s death. The judges made the appropriate sentencing for Keitel as he deserved to die for his inhumane war orders. Superior orders, even to a soldier, cannot lessen the crime when the evil doings are committed deliberately and ruthlessly. These kinds of orders Keitel singed off on were just so vicious and cold blooded. Any normal human being in their right mind would not allow for these actions to happen. Finally, Hans Frank was the third accused Nazi who used the defence that he was just following orders. Frank was appointed Chief Civil Administration Officer for occupied Polish territory during the war. Hans Frank stated during the trial, “I did not approve of the persecutions of
On 8th August, 1945, shortly after the end of World War II in May of 1945, the Allied governments entered into a joint agreement establishing the International Military Tribunal for the purpose of trying those responsible for the war atrocities. Whereas some 5,000 Nazi’s were charged with war crimes, the Nuremberg trials were designed specifically to prosecute high ranking Nazi officials with whom the authority for the commission of heinous atrocities rested.