
Essay On Nurse Retention

Decent Essays

Increasing Hospital Nurse Retention A healthcare facility has known for many decades for the continuously assistance of nurses, facilities around the world an encounter an increase of nursing shortages. Nurse Executives also have in mind the financial impact nurse retention and nurse turnover have on the organization. End result, nurses cost tens of thousands of dollars to recruit and train. A better-quality hiring and recruiting process possibly will result in not only enhanced retention and reduced turnover; however include also several constructive benefits including financial, patient satisfaction and quality of care. Nurses present an important role on healthcare, as nurses primarily job is caring about the people. Nurses are part of the largest health care profession, working on a variety of positions not only to take care the in-patient, however to work independently as also collaborative with several physicians. However, the average hospitals estimated lose is about $300,000 per year for each increase in annual cost. Nursing shortage has been known for years as this issues start since World War II. This matter even though has been happening for decades and is uniquely serious. Included supply and demand, as population has grown in several states, many students …show more content…

Management role in enhancing an employee job satisfaction it to provide employees a positive and high moral work environment, so employees have the resources they need to accomplished the assignments. Employees are satisfied with current job if they see a path to move up, this include giving the employee more responsibilities along with higher compensation. One of the downfalls a company makes is teaching employees new skills, adding an additional workload without compensation. This generally end forcing the employee lose interests. Many times this environment is produced by an unsuccessful management and poor

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