
Essay On Organ Donation

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Everyone will die someday. Death remains inevitable and unpreventable, yet the process of organ donation and transplantation prolongs life. Problems with the supply and demand of viable organs lead to controversial topics and debates regarding solutions to suppress the gap between donors and recipients. One prevalent debate concerning these problems follows the question of whether to allow non-donors to receive organ transplants if needed even though they aren’t registered to donate their own organs. Although denying non-registered organ donors the possibility to receive transplants could motivate more people to register, thus eliminating the scarcity of available organs, the ethical and moral dilemmas in denying people life-saving …show more content…

This incentive could even result in the elimination of the scarcity of certain organs. Nevertheless, while the denial of transplants would increase the rate of donation and close the gap between the supply and demand of organs, denying a life-saving transplant for someone in dire need of medical care introduces ethical and moral dilemmas. In fact, denying people the retrieval of transplants because one believes that another deserves a transplant less than someone else shows inviolate ignorance. Contrary to what plenty of people believe, many other reasons behind the denial of donation exist than pure, selfish intent. Would one deny a child an organ transplant simply because his parents aren’t willing to donate their child’s organs? Legally, anyone under the age of eighteen is unable to donate his organs without obtaining his parents’ consent, so does that make it acceptable to deny a child a life-saving procedure? Also, a number of medical conditions, for example HIV/AIDS, as well as social conditions, for example being LGBT, negate the validity of an organ which then disqualifies one from being allowed to donate his organs. Some organs are unsuitable for transplantation; medical criteria strictly determines the decision to accept or decline an organ, so, if the counter argument declares that receiving transplants when one is unwilling to donate his own organs is

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