
Essay On Osteoporosis

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Definition: (According to the medical dictionary) The word osteoporosis literally means "porous (sponge-like) bones." It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Over time, bone mass, and therefore bone strength, is decreased. As a result, bones become fragile and break easily. Even a sneeze or a sudden movement may be enough to break a bone in someone with severe osteoporosis.

Cause and Symptoms:
A number of factors increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. They include:
Age: Osteoporosis is more likely to occur as people grow older and their bones lose tissue.
Gender: Women are often smaller than men and so start out with less bone. They also lose bone tissue more rapidly …show more content…

If there is not enough calcium in the blood, your body will take calcium from the bones. Making sure you have enough calcium in your diet is an important way to preserve your bone density.
It is recommended that the average Australian adult consumes 1,000 mg of calcium per day. Postmenopausal women and men aged over 70 years are recommended to have 1,300 mg of calcium per day. Dairy foods have the highest levels of calcium, but there are many other sources of calcium including sardines, spinach, almonds and all the recommended food for you to have healthy bones that have been mentioned above. If you are unable to get enough calcium from your diet alone, you might need to talk to your health professional about calcium supplements.

Interesting facts on Osteoporosis:
Osteoporosis is not a condition exclusive to the elderly – it can strike at any age.
Osteoporosis was formally recognized as a disease in the 1800s, when English surgeon Astley Cooper (1768-1841) described it and noted that it usually affects older

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