
Essay On Parrot In The Oven

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Manny Hernandez’s Lessons in life Victor Martinez’s Parrot in the Oven is a story about a boy named Manny Hernandez Growing up in California in the 1980’s. The novel’s title is a metaphor, “A parrot in the Oven” is saying that a parrot is complaining about the heat while it is in the shade when it is really in an oven. This story is what is called a Bildungsroman, a coming of age novel where the main character learns a valuable life lesson and grows up. Manny Hernandez realizes what kind of person he wants to be through mannys dad trying to kill his mother, going to a white party, and last Joining a Gang. First, Manny learns a lesson through his father attempting to shoot his mother.
One night, Mr. Hernandez comes home from the bar and believes Mrs. Hernandez wants to divorce him. So Mr. Hernandez decides to kill her so he goes looking for his gun and bullets for it. Manny trying to reason with him says to his dad, “Dad you have to understand you’ll only get in trouble.” This shows that manny doesn’t want anyone to get hurt and he is trying to stop his dad. Through this event Manny learns that being an alcoholic is bad and that he doesn't want to be like his father. This event is the first step of manny growing up and realizing the type of person he wants to be. …show more content…

One day Manny went to a white girl’s party which had only white people there and manny accidentally got a little too rough while dancing and the Red-Hair guy pulled Manny outside and said to Manny. “Well just let me say this pal. I don't care if you're a guest. This is not your party, and i don't like you coming around bothering Dorthy.” This quote shows that Manny realizes that people can be racist and they don't like him because he is Mexican. Though this event, Manny learns that people can be racist towards each other and that racism is bad. This event is the second strop of Manny growing up and realizing what kind of person he wants to

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