
Essay On Paternalism

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Is the State justified in restricting individuals’ access to drugs in order to prevent them from harming themselves?

The state justifies its authority in restricting individuals’ access to drugs through the liberty-limiting principle of paternalism. By paternalism I am referring to hard paternalism because information on drugs are made widely available so individual are aware of the harm. This essay will argue that the state is not justified in this paternalistic approach because paternalism is incompatible with personal autonomy and is significant to an individual’s freedom to act as they wish according to their values. The essay will regard drugs as drugs that are banned and criminalised in most political institutions such as marijuana and cocaine. I will appeal to the implications of accepting paternalism towards drugs on the subsequent action that must be taken towards other potential. This will highlight the incompatibility between personal autonomy and paternalism. In order to prove the significance of autonomy I will use the principles of Frankfurt and Dworkin. Then I will appeal to the ethics of utilitarianism due to the underlying consequential motive of paternalism to address counter argument by …show more content…

If we accept these two premises as principles then it follows that anything that could potentially cause individuals to harm themselves that they may overlook but are aware if the potential harm, it is the state’s duty to prevent this harm. Consequently the state should similarly be justified in restricting access to fatty foods, alcohol, and cigarettes – due to this same principle of paternalism. But, it doesn’t and natural moral inclinations based on our attitude towards the criminalization of drugs seem to justify this bias. However, I will prove that this reasoning is

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