Perfection in the Form of a Room “Are you ready for the tour?” I ask you. “Yes” you say and I welcome you as you step into my massive bedroom on the second level of my home, the faint smell of lavender and vanilla wafts into your nose and you gasp, astonished at the rooms beauty. “This is it” I say as you slowly observe your surroundings. You glance to your left and watch as a series of lights hanging from the ceiling flicker on, they glimmer in the bright sun shining through the large open window on the ghostly white walls. Through the window you see a vast valley, you squint and can see mountain peaks in the distance. The wind wails and echoes around the room, but is quickly drowned out by the music that automatically begins to play. You …show more content…
I tap the screen and you watch as the channel switches, I tap twice on the left side and the volume goes up, twice on the right and the volume goes down, “That’s so cool” you say. I lead you over to the dark wood double doors and they swing open with a whish to the sound of my clap. “Behold, my glam room!” I say to you. You step inside and notice that the back wall is all glass, without a speck or smudge on it in sight. “How do you keep it so clean?” you say, “like this” I say and a flying robot appears and swiftly wipes the unexistent dirt off the mirror. I move across the room and sit upon a red fluffy stool. On either side of me stands a tall matte black Ikea makeup organizer filled with my daily essential makeup and brushes. I click a circular indent on the mirror, which appears to do nothing and I retrieve a few items from the drawers and drop them into thin air, where they hover. “The button removes gravity in this small section of space between my organizers, which allows them to do this. I stand up and look around the room, you do the same. A perfect selfie mirror is on the far wall, with a touchscreen pad to change the lighting and background. A hair station is on the right wall where a variety of hair tools and products sit on icy white shelves. Beside it, a glowing light up sign with the word “XOXO hangs. I guide you over to the left wall where 3 doors stand tall. We enter the first door which leads to my shoe closet, if you’d even call a room this size a
storage room to the west and exterior door on the east side (leading to the back yard);
In Chapters Four and Five of A Room of One 's Own,, the focus on Women & Fiction shifts to a consideration of women writers, both actual writers and ultimately one of the author 's own creation.
The construction of the picture space, impeccably correct from a mathematical point of view, is characterized, first, by the extreme shortness of the perspective distance which, if the room were drawn to natural scale, would amount to only about four feet; second, by the lowness of the horizon which is determined by the eye level of the seated Saint; third, by the eccentric position of the vanishing point which is little more than half a centimeter from the right margin. The shortness of the distance, combined with the lowness of the horizon strengthens the feeling of intimacy. However, the vanishing point prevents the small room from looking cramped and box-like because the north wall is not visible; it gives greater distinction to the play of light on the embrasures of the windows; and it suggests the experience of casually entering a private room rather than of facing an artificially arranged stage.
Outside the kitchen door, blooming wildflowers circle a mini pond where several birds drink from the lap of a stone Buddha. In the rear of the yard, secluded by a lush willow tree, is the guest house. He opens the door and we walk inside. Where, right off, the sight of lavender flowers in a vase on the night table and their scent please me. As does the bright and spacious room with a skylight right above the wood framed bed.
It was a short drive to the hotel, and the scenery was pretty cool, but I was really waiting for arrival time. I couldn't wait to see the hotel, and I had no clue what to expect. I eyes drifted out the window at all the tall trees on the hilly landscape. The trees filled the hill, and there was on sight of the forest floor. Birds of all sizes flew in and out of the forest, keeping a person looking at them and their home forever. But then the landscape began to change.
In James Baldwin's second novel published, we meet a young American called David. He has left his home country to live in Paris. In the first meeting with this man, he stares out a window and thinks about his life. Even this early in the book we get an impression of everything not being in its right place. This is where emptiness lives.
A Room with a View by E.D. Forster explores the struggle between the expectations of a conventional lady of the British upper class and pursuing the heart. Miss Lucy Honeychurch must choose between class concerns and personal desires.
Lucy Honeychurch is a dynamic protagonist in A Room with a View and her voyage to Italy drastically changes her perspective about conforming to society. Lucy is from the English middle class, and her family sends her to Italy with her cousin Charlotte for a cultured experience to become more sophisticated and educated. This vacation is irregular; Lucy develops a romantic relationship with George, and she challenges her past judgements of English society. This vacation signifies the beginning of Lucy’s growth as an individual. The title A Room with a View states the progression of Lucy Honeychurch’s accidental journey of introspection and her desire to find independence and escape from English social norms.
A Room with a View, by Edward Morgan Forster, presents the story of Lucy Honeychurch, a young woman belonging to English “high society.'; Foster places this young maiden in a state of conflict between the snobbery of her class, the “suitable and traditional'; views and advice offered by various family members and friends, and her true heart’s desire. This conflict “forces Lucy Honeychurch to choose between convention and passion (Bantam Intro-back cover),'; and throws her into a state of internal struggle, as she must sift through the elements of her “social conditioning'; and discern them from her true emotions and desires. Foster develops and utilizes Lucy’s internal struggle as a means of transforming her from
Sometimes it can be easier to let others make decisions. People find comfort in letting others decide deadlines or goals. People can find direction in others’ choices for them that they could never have possibly come up for themselves. That having been said, life also requires ownership. A person’s life is full of options and can mean so much more if personal decisions are made within. It certainly is difficult, but the struggle often makes the result all that much sweeter. Such is the case in E.M. Forster’s novel A Room with a View. Throughout the story Lucy is stuck within the rigid, cookie-cutter class system. She finds herself surrounded by people who mindlessly go with expected actions and must walk in step behind all the adults in
In October 1929, at the close of the Feminist Movement, Virginia Woolf published her famous writing, A Room of One’s Own. This feministic extended essay, based on a series of lectures Woolf presented at Newnham College and Girton College, channels Woolf’s thoughts and insights about women and fiction through the character of Mary Benton, who serves as the narrator. Through A Room of One’s Own, Woolf addresses three major points: having money and a room of one’s own (creative freedom), gender roles, and the search for truth. These three themes exist in other short stories such as “The Office” by Alice Munro and “I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen, where they reveal themselves in varying degrees.
It’s 7:30am, I step outside onto my apartment balcony. Cars are zooming down the over crowded streets, staunch buildings towering over me blocking the greeny lush hills far away. People rapidly walking down the sidewalk. In front of my eyes are shimmery silver and navy colours reflecting from the sky high buildings, they stand out more than the joyous light blue sky itself. Sounding in my ears are cars angrily roaring every 5 seconds, people barking at taxis to stop, an earth shaking sound that’s mixed with sound of a hurricane that’s just the aeroplane taking off from the city airport. The mouth watering smell of the local bakery down the road lingers through my nose, I can taste those freshly baked scones in my mouth from here.
The place where I feel the most comfortable, and show my personality, is my bedroom. This is the place where I can really be myself and do what I want; it’s the place I come home to, and wake up every day. My room makes me feel comfortable because it is my own space. My house is always crazy, with my dog barking, and my siblings running around making noise, my room is the only place in the house where I can come and relax without caring about everything else, the only place that I can go to clear my mind.
In the corner you can see the fairies and pixies fighting over the pizza i was eating yesterday which is infact my favourite food. The design of the rooms is very unique like everything has been put in a place for a reason. The oldest think i can remember here is the sofa which i bought 2 years ago. I remember when we first bought it, the smile on my face and the arguing between my dad and brother. "Go left, Go left" he would yell. Ahh good times. It used to be clean but the constant food i would eat on it could have changed that. Like most teenagers i have many posters on my walls mostly of role models that I admire, favourite teams and a few cute girls here and there. The most visible thing here is probably the red carpet that covers the bedroom as far as your eyes can see. In the corner of my bedroom is my desk which I normally do all of my homework and assignments, On top of it sat my computer which is always on. My previous desk somehow broke and
There will be one entrance which will located in south of the room and another one will be an emergency exit which will be in north which is opposite side of entrance, they will be the same level with ground or the doors will be slightly up from the ground by