1-Review previous lesson: (five minutes)
Review the previous lesson by playing Under the Water Song (1). Make sure the students move with the song and say the animals’ names out loud while the song is playing, for example, when they hear “fish” they should say fish and move their hands and body like a fish. After that, show the children different pictures of dead sea animals. Ask the children what they think about the pictures.
2-State lesson objective: (one minute)
Read, and ask the students to read after you, the lesson objective that you wrote on the board. The objective is: The First Grate students will be able to figure out the problem of the dead sea animals and state a solution for it. They will work in groups to create a Recycle trash cans for the school’s classrooms. They will take ten minutes to do that.
3-Present the new material:
Use inquiry lesson plan to create investigator learners. Follow the seven steps below to teach First Grade students
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Ask the children to create a Recycled trash can by using these materials. The children may color the box, paste the pictures, write a sentence about the importance of recycling, and list the trash that should be in the Recycle trash can. After the groups finish their work, put one of the Recycle trash cans in the classroom and share the other in other classrooms.
6-Review periodically with corrective feedback: (four minutes)
Use Round Robar Round Table Strategy. Provide one paper and one pen to each group. Then, ask the children to list five solutions to help sea animals stay alive. The paper and the pen will be passed from one student to another in the group. The student who has the paper and the pen should write one answer, and if he/she does not know an answer, he/she should pass the paper and the pen to another
The artifact I have chosen to attach to the discussion board was CE230 unit nine project. What I learned based on that assignment was how to develop creative activities for young children from the age of five and seven. After completing the different activities with the students in this project we had to show what were the student’s objective and what leaning experience where you trying to achieve and was it accomplished with this activity. Example after completing the activity you would indicated if the student was able to follow directions. You would observe if the child was able to correctly solve the problems and it the students showed interest in the game. I recalled when I was in grade school we played Math Bingo it was fun and educational.
Students observe and record some of the structures of a crustacean, the crayfish, and compare it to other organisms. They establish a feeding and maintenance schedule for the organisms. Students investigate crayfish behavior and map where the crayfish spend time within their habitat. Through readings, organism cards, and a video, students learn about adaptations of organisms in different environments. Students engage in an outdoor simulation activity to explore food chains.
Let us call her a scientist and biologist in the making. Elizabeth is one of Ryan’s 12th grade students who is doing her senior project on sea turtles. Michael discussed tractability of the turtles and scientific development and suggests to her that she focus her project on that. Elizabeth said that she “wants to give a presentation to elementary school students, and sixth graders” to be more specific. Her project plan has great substance. She wants to impress upon our youth how important sea turtle sustainability truly is. Ryan says that he “likes to get his students involved and encourages project based activities as an effective learning tool.” Each year they do a senior project, which consists of the four P’s. The students are required to do an eight page paper; show a product; put a portfolio together; and give a presentation on their project. Last year Ryan’s class contributed 350 origami turtles to our 1,000, which are displayed in the new STPS education center. This contribution brings endless education opportunities to all knowledge seekers that come in every single day. Ryan’s preparatory based learning method is ideal as introductory college courses. His students will be better prepared for higher academia and performance achievements as they transition into
Ask students to make three circles on their paper. Draw an example on the white board so students know where their circles should be placed. Write water, fog and ice, in each circle on the board and have the students do the same thing on their paper. Next also add the terms solid, liquid and gas to each of the appropriate circles.
Have campers come up with their own riddles and puzzles and share with the rest of the class.
In the module for week two there were several ideas that you can implement in your classroom. For instance you could try the walk and talk discussion strategy. This strategy simply means that the students read a selected piece of literature and have a small-group discussion about teacher-created topics posted around the room. The resources/idea for this strategy includes identifying main ideas and develop 4-5 questions pertaining to the ideas. Afterword’s you type up questions to be printed out and placed around the room. You then should secure large sheets of butcher paper or whiteboard space for the students to write down the groups’ ideas, once this task is completed make sure you have supplied each group with dry erase or regular felt tip pens.
The film The Sea Inside shares the heart warming real life story of a man named Ramon Sampedro. At the young age of twenty-six he suffered an accident while diving into shallow waters of the ocean that left him a quadriplegic. Now at the age of fifty-four, Ramon must depend on his family to survive. His older brother Jose, Jose’s wife, Manuela and their son Javi do their best to take care of Ramon and make him feel loved. Although Ramon is extremely grateful to his family and friends for their help all these years, he has come to see his life as aggravating and unsatisfying. He wishes to die with the little dignity he has left in his life. However, Ramon’s family is dead set against the thought of assisted suicide and the
Plan the activities, commencing with a starter for the whole class to familiarise with the topic and finding what they already know about it. Then following with an introduction of the subject and and activity for the whole class, then asking questions and develop the topic, maybe in small groups, for a longer period of
In order to reduce littering in Briarwood, one way is to make contact with the residents who have lived there most of their lives; the school within the neighborhood should raise awareness through a community day. Essentially, it would be taking the job of all the environmental clubs, but put it in one day. This day would be a school day, but instead of learning hypothetical subjects, they would learn about the potential risks of not cleaning up in Laurel, and get the chance to show what they learned. The demonstration part will have the students create their own project ideas to clean up the neighborhood, and to inform others. With an adult and a group, they would choose the best solution out of all proposed solutions, then get it approved.
Recycling is a great way to work for better environment and to involve people for their personal and professional development. My role of volunteering at the organization will help me to learn about effective communication and working in collaboration. Through my responsibility of training youth, I would be able to learn about effective communication and working in collaboration. My personal values of working towards empowering the youth and improving environment are supported through organization’s goals and mission. I wish to become socially responsible and participate in the community for personal as well as professional
Engage: The teacher will begin by inviting students to sit in front of the smartboard. First, she will read aloud the content and language objective and have students eco her. Then, the teacher will begin the lesson by telling the students that living things are things that are alive.
Think about this objective. What strategies are you going to use? You will be doing a lot of research. You may want to take notes on this lesson or come up with a plan about your research. Open your digital notebook and describe any strategies and skills you will use to succeed in this lesson.
One strategy the teacher use were visual by having a book with pictures, she explain clearly which animal lives in the water and which animal lives on land from the book. Using visual is beneficial to ELL student if they cannot understand what the teacher saying they could look at the picture to gain some understanding. Another strategy the teacher use was hands on she use stuff toys of each animals that live in the water or land. Using hands on is great for ELL this an easy strategy to use to get the students involved and not feeling left out. Hands on always helps with getting their attention, sitting looking and listening to the teacher the child may get bored, lose attention-letting feel, and be a part is a great way of keeping the children
Have students begin to brainstorm possible images to use in their posters. Each team should create a list of at least six items.
Some of the students caught on to the FISH strategy quicker than others. I worked more with the students who did not quite understand the strategy as much. Some of the students struggled sitting still for the lessons, so I decided to incorporate centers. The students were able to move around the room and participate in centers that involved the FISH strategy. The students did really well with the centers and I was able to observe them while they were