
Essay On Post Service

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Change in Cognitive Processes of Soldiers Post-Service in the Military It is estimated between 20% and 30% of soldiers report psychological symptoms after returning home from combat three to six months post-service (Dohrenwend, Turner, Turse, Adams, Koenen, & Marshall, 2006). Following the Iraqi and Afghanistan conflicts, there has been a raise in question of the mental health statuses of service men and women post-deployment (Hoge, Castro, Messer, McGurk, Cotting, & Koffman, 2004). Many of the mental health injuries related to combat exposure or deployment-related stressors include PTSD, depression, stress, and sleep problems. These mental health concerns have resulted in different types of lecture based mental health training services …show more content…

The Neurocognitive Assessment Tool evolved into Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM), a culmination of various computer-based tests, by the Department of Defense in order to test soldiers for signs of cognitive dysfunction before deployment. These computer-based programs were designed in response to the increased risk of cognitive trauma or stress during deployment, and used as a way to recognize individuals at high risk for sustaining injuries that might compromise brain functioning. The ANAM became a baseline measurement of cognitive processes of soldiers used by the military (Vincent, et al., 2012). In addition to the altered cognitive processes and mental health traumas experienced by soldiers, investigation of intrusive cognitions (Shipherd, Salters-Pedneault, & Fordiani, 2016) and the effects of combat deployment on self-destructive behaviors (Thomsen, Stander, McWhorter, Rabenhorst, & Milner, 2011) were assessed. Intrusive cognitions, the development of distressing thoughts, images, or memories associated with traumatic events, became increasingly common among post-deployment military personnel (Shipherd, Salters-Pedneault, & Fordiani, 2016). In response to intrusive cognitions, four training methods including training as usual, psychoeducation on intrusive cognitions,

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