
Essay On Predictive Policing

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I think the future trend of policing will be predictive policing. Predictive policing is taking data from different sources, analyzing them and then using the results to anticipate, prevent and respond more effectively to future crime. Predictive policing entails becoming less reactive. The predictive policing idea moves law enforcement from focusing on what happened to focusing on what will happen and how to effectively put resources in front of the crime, and ultimately change outcomes. Most police work is conducted in a reactive manner but in proactive policing, law enforcement uses data and analyzes patterns to understand the nature of a problem. Officers devise strategies and tactics to prevent future harm. They evaluate results and revise practices to improve policing. Departments may combine data with street intelligence and crime analysis to produce better assessments about what might happen next if they take various actions.
The predictive policing approach does not replace traditional policing. Instead, it enhances existing approaches such as problem-oriented policing, community policing, intelligence-led policing and hot spot policing. Predictive policing uses computer models such as those used in the business industry to anticipate how market conditions or industry trends …show more content…

The need for transparency is vital for the success of any program, and this is evident for any predictive policing program. When data is collected by police agencies, these crime areas and surrounding targeted areas need to be checked for accuracy and need follow up reports. When data is inputted from these reports, human error is inevitable. It is important to check the accuracy of these reports because it can lead to the wrong analyses. In the end, the success of predictive policing will all come down to how reliable it is, how different information sources are integrated and how all the data are

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