
Essay On Progressive Era

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The Progressive Era The Progressive era was an age in time which people tried to solve Gilded Age problems through individual and group action. Progress in the word ‘progressive’ means towards freedom and justice. Progressives were “people who believed that the problems society faced (poverty, violence, greed, racism, class warfare) could best be addressed by providing good education, a safe environment, and an efficient workplace.” Progressives were mostly concerned with the social problems that revolved around industrial capitalists society. Companies and later corporations had a problem that had been around at least since the 1880s. They needed to keep cost down and profits high. In a competitive market, the best way to do this is to keep …show more content…

It described the conditions of the meat packing factories and the treatment of the workers inside those factories. When the book was published, journalists began to expose this wrongdoing.The use of photography came into action for documentation. Louis Hines photographed child labor in factories and mines bringing Americans face to face with more than 2 million under the age of 15 working for wages. “The Jungle” lead to the Pure Food Act, the Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. Resulting from this, child labor laws came into place. Labor saving devices became a thing. By 1950, Americans could buy all kinds of things Like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, automobiles, and record players. Avratizing connected with the food industries and became the root of comerciales. Many progressives were concerned that industrial capitalism was limiting rather than increasing freedom. American progressives sout government solutions to social problems. Cities established public control over gas, water, and raised taxes to pay for transportation and public schools. As the economy changed, progressives had to respond to a rapidly changing political

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