Fight for Your Right! Should public-service workers have the right to strike? After all, they are humans that work jobs and deserve a fair amount for their services. But, what would happen if there were no police around nor firefighters to do their job? Things would obviously be a mess. You have to weigh these options and figure out which one is more important. Should we make public-service workers do their jobs even if they are working under a poor conditions or hardly getting paid to feed their families, or should we let them strike over their own benefits and let the area become a complete wasteland? I am here to say that public-service workers should not have the right to strike for more benefits. First of all, the area in which …show more content…
We are paying for workers’ salaries. Therefore, they work for the hard working people of the United States. It isn’t fair that we pay our fair share in taxes (at least most of us) and we aren’t getting anything in return. We pay a good portion of our earnings paying for protection, education, and transportation. What does this do if police officers aren’t there to protect us from danger or teachers aren’t there to educate our children? We are basically just burning our hard fought dollars. This is yet another reason that public-service workers shouldn’t be able to strike, but to therefore work for …show more content…
This claim is inaccurate. These workers should create a bill or proposition saying they deserve more pay, and they should let the U.S. Senate vote on it. If they proposed some sort of plan to get them paid more money, they wouldn’t have to strike and our problems would solved. We should let the officials of the United States decide if what is being given is a fair amount. They should decide if what they are being paid is or is not enough. That is why we elect these officials. If these service workers aren’t getting paid enough, then they will vote that they should be paid. This is a better solution to solve the issue of not being paid enough rather than striking and affecting our
Government employee unions are very similar to private sector unions in that they are created for the purpose of collective bargaining. In right-to-work states (states where you do not have to pay union dues or agency fees) union membership is entirely optional. In the non-right-to-work states you can be forced to pay agency fees which are usually a similar amount to union dues, because of this many people in these states choose to join the union to get a few additional benefits of being a member (some liability and other insurance).
The union will need to engage in intra-organizational bargaining in order to reach a greater consensus as to what is essential to our workers. By going through this process away from the bargaining table, we can come to the table with a firm and unified stance. We indent to do this in a number of ways. First, we can educate workers about how in actuality, their interests are aligned because a victory for the union is a victory for all members. For example, an improved pension plan does not only benefit older workers, but also younger workers because of the precedent that this proposed pension plan will set for their future pension plans. The same is true for job security. We will ensure the workers that we as their union are their agents in their desire to improve their wages and working conditions. This emphasis on unity will increase our relative power and aid us when it comes time for zero-sum bargaining.
Low-wage workers are working long and hard hours for almost no pay, which is absolutely ridiculous. These workers dedicate everything in their lives, for $7.25 an hour. I believe their lives are worth more than that. By saying all of this, I hope you understand that these workers are getting ripped off and no one can or will do ANYTHING about
Protesters demonstrate for higher minimum wages every year. Protesters demand even higher wages than what some employers can handle paying. All people want to be able to live without worrying if they can pay for the necessities of life. We all want to be able to enjoy the high life, which comes with earning more money. Even if the amount of minimum wage cannot benefit us all with great impact, it can at least benefit those who need the money to rise above the poverty line. Many people don’t understand that there are also negative outcomes of wanting increase the minimum wage for employees. Most people only consider that the money earned will help themselves and their family members. Nevertheless, one thing the people know is that a small wage of 7 – 8 dollars isn’t enough to live well on. Nor is a higher wage of 10 – 15 dollars satisfying enough for us either. These issues show we need a balanced
Dan Swiney stated in his 2005 interview “The low road is where somebody thinks of their immediate self-interest in solving their particular problem no matter what it costs to somebody else.” When either a business or labor union think of their self-interest and think of no regards to what it could do, it hurts the other. This makes neither organization come out in the end looking better than the other, it does the exact opposite. On page 225 in chapter 9 of section 1 it states “Benefits now make up 30 percent of workers’ compensation. This adds up to a large cost for employers – especially since benefits like health insurance are becoming expensive.” If labor unions made the compromise of paying 50/50 for fringe benefits then businesses could have that extra 20 percent to help labor unions or help the business that will in turn benefit the employees. In the cartoon in the unit 3 essay warmup it states “Gentlemen, nothing stands in the way of a final accord except that management wants profit maximization and the union wants moola.” By having both organizations negotiate and try to reach a conclusion they both feel is fair they achieve their goal of making money and in turn the business can benefit by having productive workers and
The year is 2015 and I can’t imagine not having the freedom I do today. Marriage equality is a very recent topic in history. It wasn’t very long ago that laws prohibited the marriage of same-sex couples. I have decided to investigate the history of marriage equality and the organizations that helped make the dream come true. In order to fully understand the changes that occurred, and to comprehend the level of discrimination that was felt in the homosexual culture, one must first understand the history of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) community. The harsh history of the LGBTQ community, and discrimination that was imposed on them and the organizations that strived to advocate for the LGBTQ community on a local, regional and national level is what eventually lead to the Supreme Court ruling on June 26th, 2015, stating that states cannot ban same-sex marriage.
The large companies that hire us do not care for any of us. The Factory Inspector published an article a couple of years ago about how a power plant exploded showering the workers with hot steel. Companies should assure the safety of their own workers and pay for the damage done. “Our government declares they not troubled by the fact that a large sum of money is taken out of the pockets of the taxpayer and put in the pockets of government run business which doesn't benefit the populace, but he is concerned so little of the money goes into the pockets of the laboring man and a larger amount goes into the pockets of the employer” . Monopolies are the worst enemy of the working man for they give the man low wages and do not care for the man and rather care about his body. We must disassociate government and business to decrease the chance of a monopoly happening between the two. Setting a minimum wage will not work because the employer would reduce all wages to the set price, so we must take a stand in our government like the great architects of our nation and reduce the connection between business and government and end monopolies
According to the article, the workers are demanding for fifteen dollars and hour and the right to unionize. Different states have different minimum wages requirements, but according to the article, most of workers in the fast-food industry still face the same problem, which is the shortage of money. Some workers who work hard daily still need financial aid in order to bring food to the table. This protesting started two years ago and is still happening today. There are at least 190 U.S. cities, such as “Chicago, Indianapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Knoxville, Tennessee” that are participating in this protest.
“Moreover, the number of strikers is also only a small percentage of the roughly 2.4 million fast-food workers in the united states, opponents say”. The community in different types of cities all agree because we all know well if we were those workers we would need that raise to, we would do the same and protest because people don’t understand how much it is of really hard
Fast-food workers have been protesting for a minimum wage of $15 dollars an hour and the freedom to unionize. The workers have organized numerous protests this year. During the protests they have walked out and chanted slogans regarding their pay. The main fast-food companies that are effected is McDonald's and Burger King. They both have stated that they will not press charges and indeed are allowing the workers to return. These workers that are participating in the strike doesn’t represent the majority of the fast-food employees. The people participating in the strike are not only youths but adults and elders as well. Due to the countries low employment rate many of these workers are supporting a family or other dependents. This is
A strike is a collective decision of the union members not to work until certain demands or conditions are met (Noe, 2003). If the majority of the union members vote to strike, the union will strike. Most strikes usually have union employees not show up to work to perform his/her day-to-day duties but rather have the union employees picket outside the organization. While the union employee is on strike, the employer does not pay the employee his/her wage. In many strikes, the unions help the employees compensate their wages while they are on strike. The purpose of a strike is to make the employer lose production because the regular employee 's do not show up to work. The vast majority of labor-management negotiations do not result in a strike, and the number of strikes has plunged since the 1950s (Noe, 2003).
Public workers should be able to join unions and collectively bargain because it has benefits to improve their livelihoods.
Human services professionals are those who facilitate and empower those in society who require assistance in meeting their basic human needs both emotionally, mentally, and physically. Human services professionals work with diverse cultures in many different settings to provide prevention, education, and resources for individuals, families, groups and communities. Some of the populations served are, children and families, adolescents, and the homeless. To support groups in crisis human services professionals must be committed, patient, possess listening skills, and have an ability to be empathetic without reducing one’s ability to be empowered (Martin, 2011).
As a social worker it is important to engage in policy practice. It is a part of the profession, whether you like it or not. It is an aspect that can change the way things are done for clients in a good way or bad. If you want to be more affective in practice, advocating for policies is one way of making sure your clients receive what they deserve. Chapin (2011) talks about how as a social worker you cannot take on every social policy issue, but it is important to consider the policies that affect your client population.
As a tear drips down from the tired mother's face she tucks her kids into bed and then goes to check the mail. Although she already knows that she wouldn't be receiving a check with enough money to pay her rent or groceries, she still crosses her fingers and hopes for a miracle. The sad reality was that the electricity got shut off last week and pretty soon she is going to have to begin pawning her valuables in order to feed her children. This is the life of a mother who works overtime every week. This is the life of a mother who makes, on average, $7.25 per an hour. This mother is a fast food worker. Fast food workers not only need but deserve the right to unionize. A union is an organization of laborers who have come together in order to voice their opinions and take action against production workers, who constantly overwork and underpay their employees. “The fast-food industry pays the minimum wage to a higher proportion of its workers than any other American industry. Consequently, a low minimum wage has long been a crucial part of the fast food industry’s business plan.” Unions began arising across the country over a century ago due to minimal benefits, low income, no phased retirement, and so much more. In fact, horrible work conditions are starting to turn into an epidemic that is essentially sweeping the nation. “In Illinois the Workers Organizing Committee of Chicago led demonstrations at retail and fast-food establishments along Michigan Avenue’s famed ‘Magnificent