
Essay On Race And Racism

Decent Essays

Over the course of this class, my understanding of Race and Racism in higher education has change my views and opinions on what the aspect of race and racism really is and how it can make a huge impact in our lives.
This course help me use my own personal experiences to understand different race and racism concepts in class. I can refer to my first Write-to-Learn (WTL) to the film “White People” by Jose Antonio Vargas. He talks about how our generation of white people view different topics regarding race. I got wrote a letter to him speaking about my views on the film as well as my own experiences and I will have to say that this was the first time I ever got to write something relating to a racial matter. I didn’t feel afraid to share my experiences because I knew that it would matter as I further my knowledge as the course goes on. I can reflect on my personal experiences for this class because a lot of the terms we went over such as onlyness, stereotypical threats, and the model minority myth I’ve been through and I really never thought about it until I wrote my 8th WTL about Shaun Harper article “Am I my Brother’s Teacher?” and my second reflection paper on how my experiences have …show more content…

We should change the ratio of certain minority groups we are suppose have in an University because it still only allows a certain number of students from each racial group and it is never equal, there still more of the majority than the minority. Also if we want to overcome the barriers in higher education, we should have classes like this one or maybe in high schools so people of all races can understand that being racially divided and have one race be in a higher position than the other can only lead to imbalance not only in school, but in

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