Take a Stand!
Recently I read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and I read passages about civil rights leaders and it reminded me that not everyone is treated the same. Though their color, all the way to their religion, people do not treat each other nicely. We need to take a stand and together we can stop racism, though a nonviolent, peaceful way. The reasons we should take a stand against racism are colored people are not treated the same, and lots and lots of people kill for their religion.
We should take a stand to show people it's so unfair to people who are not treated the same because God made all men equal and that's how we should treat each other. Black white, doesn't matter what color you are, we are all still human beings. I read in an article that a clan called the Ku Klux Klan think that there should only be one race, white. Some reasons to say that colored people are not treated the same is when the African american baseball player was booed on the field. Who are they to judge someone
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We can do this by treating people the same. Treating people the same in my mind one of the greatest ways to stop racism. For instance, in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry T.j was pushed, shoved, and beaten. He was not treated the same because of his color, you wouldn’t see white people acting that way to other white people. Another way is to not judge people by their color. We shouldn’t judge someone by the color of their skin, it's just so, so rude.
There are many more possibilities to end racism, but I think the two that I just mentioned are my top two. Well I hope we can put an end to racism one day, and make the world a better place, but for now let's pray that the world doesn’t get any worse. I hope you learned a little why we should take a stand against racism. Like Dr. King said ‘I have a dream, that one day my four kids will live in a world not judged by the color of their skin, but by their
It angers me so much that other human beings are treated like this every single day. It makes sense to treat others equally with respect when were all born in the same way. What do you gain when you're mistreating others because of that one reason? You get nothing, there's no point in doing that to another human being, there just isn't. It's just something I strongly oppose to since I've had me, and my own mother experience that. Despite me going through racism it was nothing compared to what my mom went through. For most of her whole life, she would always get nasty glares at other people from when she was working. Her own boss made her hourly wage payment significantly lower just because of her “color”. Also, she would get disrespected, and made fun of because she didn't know English, and I had to translate everything to her. To top that all off, at one point it made her want to give up and just lose everything, but thankfully she didn't. To end racism our colors in the world must join as one. When we have won, we’ll no longer suffer. And our world can finally have peace as one. It doesn't cost a penny to show some sort of acceptance, and kindness to everyone every single
By doing this, everyone would be able to get along and be able to see past the color of a person’s skin to who they really are on the
The clear message for fighting racism is a plain lesson we first learn in elementary schools and in our own individual families, treat everyone as your own and as your equal. Racism is not an external occurrence it is hate behavior that is taught and widely accepted today. To fight racism, we should look to the person in front of us, behind us, to the right and to left every time as equals and as a
change the impertinent mindset of racists and lessen the racist acts of society. Some of the
While watching the LA Riots Documentary video and reading the Rodney King’s article I was able to find some actions the community can do to keep concord between races. First of all,
The United States, Virginia, and local Cities, need to establish a law or ruling that all men and women should be treated equally no matter what your skin color is. We all bleed the same blood and we all have different outer appearances. Why can't we get together and become one? And happy. It is not just the blacks who get mistreated it is also the Chinese, Mexicans, and even Philippines. These people are sick in the
Instatude no tolerance to racism,prejudge, and anti semitism by either rules or laws.Post stuff on social media to make people aware of the situation.Educate that we are all different in our own ways,not everybody's the same.Start or join social groups to get along with different people in the world. Disprove myths about certain races through educational purposes. Create rally’s for people to know what's going on around the world. School events and try and help people to stop what's going on. Have different races as friends so people will think its ok to have different kinds of
Making a difference between races is something that could have been influenced when growing up. Everyone needs to be treated the same regardless of what race they belong to. "Racial profiling is unjustified with general problems with profiling, and those specific to racial profiling itself is not clear that it is always unjustified, because it might reduce serious threats to people's lives, liberties, and property" (Lever, 2007). What people believe is right to do is unfair and cruel to others. The way of thinking should be that everyone should be treated equal no matter what race people are. Everyone deserves respect and to have no differences between someone else.
There are many ways we can try to reduce or prevent racism in our society, but it will involve dedication from many people. Maybe the most important step in preventing racism is educating our youth and teaching them the dangers at an early age. Law enforcement intervention could prove to be an essential way in reducing racism because it is essential for people to know that it is against the law to act upon racist beliefs. Making changes in your community is a way to get everyone involved in the plan to reduce racism in the upcoming years. There are many ways our community could contribute to this cause, for example, organizing cultural events or creating organizations could be some simple and effective ways to reduce the amount of racism occurring in our
It is impossible to eradicate all racism because our country is so large. Racism has changed from systematic to what Dinesh D’Souza calls episodic. In his words racism will always exists but it no longer systematically prohibits the lives
People of color deal with being demonized in the media, stereotyped in negative ways, and constantly put down for their appearance. Insensitivity is also a form of racism. Make sure to properly educate yourself before saying that racism is a thing of the past. If you're still not convinced that racism exists here are a few examples...people with “black-sounding” names were 50% percent less likely to get a call back for a job opening, no matter their level of experience. Although racism seems like something hard to fight alone, but you can still help by acknowledging racism, and listening to people's racist encounters. If you see something happening and it just so happens to be someone using a racial slur or oppressing someone in a way that you can help stand up and help. These are just a few ways that you can help be apart of the battle to end
It is time to take action. Not only in our own lives, but in the lives of the children. There has been attempts, there has been success, and there has been failure. Many people have ways in which they believe will help reduce racism. But which is the right way, the best way? According to Barbara Hacker, author of "Advice for Teachers on Racism and Oneness," it is up to the educators. She believes teachers can make a difference in the lives of his or her students.
Another way to prevent racism and stereotyping is by educating ourselves. We have access to many tools that can largely reduce our ignorance. Tools such as the internet, movies, music, books, and news can be used to further enrich our knowledge of different cultures and races. Read articles on the internet that discusses ways of how to reduce racism. Watch movies that explore the history of different races. Listen to people on podcasts or YouTube videos who have experienced prejudice. Use these tools to become more mindful of racism and stereotyping.
We can fight racism and discrimination, too. Not with violence, but with love, just like Martin Luther King Jr. We can raise awareness about discrimination, and stand up to racists D11. If everyone stood up to racists who act upon their beliefs, and explain why what they’re doing is wrong, and if they listen, that would almost take care of the problem all on its own C3. The act would snowball; getting bigger and bigger, and might eventually stop racism with everyone working together in harmony
The question remains even though racism continue to a an impact on other people’s lives what,what can we do about it? Well, no one person can do it all or do it alone but we can all help and work collectively to end