
Essay On Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

Decent Essays

Take a Stand!

Recently I read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and I read passages about civil rights leaders and it reminded me that not everyone is treated the same. Though their color, all the way to their religion, people do not treat each other nicely. We need to take a stand and together we can stop racism, though a nonviolent, peaceful way. The reasons we should take a stand against racism are colored people are not treated the same, and lots and lots of people kill for their religion.

We should take a stand to show people it's so unfair to people who are not treated the same because God made all men equal and that's how we should treat each other. Black white, doesn't matter what color you are, we are all still human beings. I read in an article that a clan called the Ku Klux Klan think that there should only be one race, white. Some reasons to say that colored people are not treated the same is when the African american baseball player was booed on the field. Who are they to judge someone …show more content…

We can do this by treating people the same. Treating people the same in my mind one of the greatest ways to stop racism. For instance, in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry T.j was pushed, shoved, and beaten. He was not treated the same because of his color, you wouldn’t see white people acting that way to other white people. Another way is to not judge people by their color. We shouldn’t judge someone by the color of their skin, it's just so, so rude.

There are many more possibilities to end racism, but I think the two that I just mentioned are my top two. Well I hope we can put an end to racism one day, and make the world a better place, but for now let's pray that the world doesn’t get any worse. I hope you learned a little why we should take a stand against racism. Like Dr. King said ‘I have a dream, that one day my four kids will live in a world not judged by the color of their skin, but by their

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