
Essay On Romantic Love And Illusion Of Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Romantic love, illusion of love, and friendship love, by explaining these different love stories in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is both intriguing and magical, but yet comical. Enemies, friends, and lovers all come together to overcome battles to get to the happy ending where love, confusion, misunderstandings, and forgiveness conquers all. Romantic loves come with four characters, Hermia, Lysander, Helena, and Demetrius. This is a tangled web when Hermia is being forced to marry Demetrius, but deeply in love with Lysander. Helena is deeply in love with Demetrius, but he believes he loves Hermia and that is who is supposed to marry. The Duke gave Hermia an ultimatum, “either to die the death or to abjure forever the society of men. Therefore, fair Hermia, question your desires” (Bevington, 2014). Hermia and Lysander decided to run away together. Demetrius followed them and Helena followed Demetrius. Helena was testifying her love to Demetrius and he wanted Hermia. She was very persistent and would not take no for an answer. With the help, or not help, of the fairies casting spells to put things into chaos, both Demetrius and Lysander awake both in love with Helena, leaving Hermia wondering what happened and why was she unloved now. Once the fighting begins, the fairies realizing this spell was a mistake and puts things back in perspective. However, Demetrius awakes and realizes that he is in love with Helena after all. Both couples end up marrying alongside the

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