
Essay On STAAR Testing

Decent Essays

Some Texas lawmakers are trying to lower the number of standardized tests, let schools pick the test providers to create more competition in the testing market, get rid of the evaluation of teachers by the STAAR scores, and lower the burden of the A-F rating of the STAAR test. Last year there were several problems with the STAAR tests, so much that the company had to pay a $5.7 million fine. When Texas has 17 tests between 3rd through 12th grade, it is about time that it starts to lower the number of tests on students especially young students (Brandeis). The American youth are becoming smarter, but are creative minds are shrinking. American children’s scoring on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking has been falling since the 90s. Having …show more content…

Gesell Institute states, “With playtime and recess being eliminated from schools in exchange for more test and desk work, children are being denied the ability to engage and expand their social skills and relationships, which not all educators realize” (Gesell Institute). Schools are rushing children’s development by making them do skills that they are not ready to do. A child will learn how to do simple tasks like draw a triangle, but forcing them to do it at a younger age and not letting them experience childhood by putting pressure on the child to learn faster is not inspiring them to learn and be creative (Gesell Institute). The satirical news site The Onion did a pro and con list of standardized testing which highlights it perfectly. Some of the pros are, “Every student measured against same narrow, irrelevant set of standards” and, “Western tradition of critical thinking best embodied in bubble-sheet format”. One of the funnier cons is, “There are easier ways to measure parents’ income” (The Onion). In a sad way, these have some truth behind them. Which shows how much of a joke standardized testing

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