The Scientific Method
In the article understanding “Science and How it Really Works”, It becomes apparent that the Scientific Method is much more involved and dynamic than simply forming a Hypothesis, making observations, conducting an experiment and forming a conclusion based on the data collected. While these processes are the backbone they don’t necessarily always follow one another in a sequence and there is much more involved in each step than one may perceive from the simple list.
Generally speaking the Scientific Method begins with an observation that allows you to form a hypothesis. In order to come up with a well informed hypothesis one can look through scientific journals that may lend some light onto the subject your thinking of investigating. Sometimes talking with peers or discovering new tools on the market that allow you to look at things differently than before can be inspirational and lead to observations that then allow you to form a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is a
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Good experiments that produce reliable data generally have some factors to consider. The sample size and whether it is a good representation of the “universe” you are considering. Are there any biases in the way in which the samples are selected? In other words is it random and does everything within your “universe” have an equal chance of being selected in your sample? If you are testing the effects of certain drugs for example is there a control group that is not receiving the treatment? Last but not least, can the experiment be repeated by others? Conducting a good experiment may be the most difficult part of the scientific method. Often times there are constraints that don’t allow you to perform the perfect experiment. This may include budget limits, ethical considerations, of the inability to control other factors that may influence your
The term scientific method refers to a way of investigation or the acquisition of knowledge through the testing of a theory or hypothesis, then working through measurements (observation and empirical notes) to come up with a result, which should prove or disprove the original theory. Thus, the basic method consists of a) formulating a question or hypothesis, b) designing an experiment or means of collecting data, c) observation or experimentation, d) analyzing
A) scientific process: The scientific process, also known as the scientific method is an organized way to help answer a question or to a hypothesis. The method includes six steps; make a conclusion, form a question, construct a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the data, and finally draw a conclusion, these steps can be modified once the process has been run through at least once for the same experiment.
The scientific method continues to be misrepresented in public schools all over the world. Students are being taught that there is a beginning and an end to the scientific method, and that everything in between is protocol and must be followed chronologically. “Ask a question, do some research, come up with a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, understand your data, make your conclusion!” a grade six science teacher will tell their students. “It’ll be on your quiz!”. However, what those students are not being taught is that the scientific method has never been, and will never be a linear process. Scientists constantly revisit different steps of the process in order to better understand the subject matter; sometimes it can take many years to
The scientific method is the set of procedures that enable scientists and researchers to conduct
To support the theory of continental drift is through topography, surveying the floors of oceans, charts of rock magnetism, and statistics on rock ages (Trefil & Hazen, 2010). At one time scientist believed that the deep ocean floors were flat; accumulating the sediment that progressively wore away from the prehistoric landmasses (Trefil & Hazen, 2010). However, they discovered steep-walled valleys and elevated highlands. This was evidences that just as the continents are transformed and are active, so to is the seafloor (Trefil & Hazen, 2010). The Mid- Atlantic Ridge, positioned in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, is recorded to be the longest mountain range on this planet. Volcanoes, lava flow, and earthquakes are a source of
The first thing you need to do with the scientific method is to identify your problem. The problem is the question you want to solve. Not all questions can be solved. Second is make a hypothesis, its an educated guess. You can’t just guess
One known research method is the Scientific Method which is a uniform way of creating observations, assembly data, establishing concepts, testing predictions, and understanding outcomes. These observations are made in order to observe and define behaviors. The first step to take in using a scientific method is to develop an issue or question. Next step is to perform a research and observation on the issue or question that was developed. Then a hypothesis needs to be formulated after these steps have been made.
The scientific method is used during experiments to find a conclusion and or reason as to why an event or something happens.
Many teenagers in this society are struggling because of the bad influences they are facing on daily basis; however, some teenagers encounter greater difficulties than others due to the neighborhood or the economic status they live in. In this paper I will talk about a young boy name LeAlan. I will discuss about LeAlan’s demographics, race, physical appearance, and life circumstances. Additionally, I will discuss some main concerns I have about him; concerns like his sleeping habits, his weight, his nutrition, and some risk factors of substance abuse.
Then the pharmacist can destroy the drugs after denatured and rendered unusable (using soapy water or another suitable vehicle) to make a slurry before disposal. Narcotics and controlled drugs returned by patients should be kept in a secure location until they are destroyed.
In the two essays being discussed we learn that science has a vast range of definitions. Science is the effort to understand (or to understand better), the history of the natural world and how the natural world works with observable physical evidence as the base of understanding. Science is about how the hypothesis is developed and how well it is defended.
The Scientific Method is the standardized procedure that scientists are supposed to follow when conducting experiments, in order to try to construct a reliable, consistent, and non-arbitrary representation of our surroundings. To follow the Scientific Method is to stick very tightly to a order of experimentation. First, the scientist must observe the phenomenon of interest. Next, the scientist must propose a hypothesis, or idea in which the experiments will be based around. Then, through repeated experimentation, the hypothesis can either be proven false or become a theory. If the hypothesis is proven to be false, the scientist must reformulate his or her ideas and come up with another hypothesis, and the experimentation begins again. This
You would expect to see a species growing at an exponential rate when a population has a constant birth rate through a period of time and it is never limited by food, disease, or space. WIth an exponential growth the rate of birth of a species alone can control how fast, and in some cases how slow, the population grows. A population will increase its rate and reach its maximum potential if it is filled with limitless amounts of resources. The numbers would start of slowly then pick up as quickly as the new individuals are added to the reproductive pool. Once they enter the pool the rate of growth will continue to increase over time.
The nature and process of science are a collection of things, ideas, and guidelines. “The purpose of science is to learn about and understand our universe more completely” (Science works in specific ways, 3). Science works with evidence from our world. If it doesn’t come from the natural world, it isn’t science. You need to be creative and have flexible thoughts and ideas if you want to be a scientist. Science always brings up new ideas and theories and if you aren’t flexible to those ideas you can’t be a scientist. Science has been in our world for a long time. It is deep into our history and our cultures. The principals of science; are all about understanding our world using the evidence we collect. If we can’t collect evidence on something we simply cannot understand it. If we don’t understanding something about our world, science says that we can learn about it by collecting evidence (Science has principals, 4). Science is a process; it takes time. You don’t immediately come to a conclusion for your hypothesis a few minutes
This book, ‘What is this Thing called Science?’ is assigned to write a review on the third edition which was published in the year 1999, 1st February by University of Queensland Press. This book is reflects up to date with day today’s contemporary trend and gives a basic introduction on the philosophy of science. This is a very comprehensive book explaining the nature of science and its historical development. It is very informative and a necessary reference when attempting to understand the how science has evolved throughout time. The book is also well organized, and each chapter is concluded with suggestions for further reading. This book is actually a review on the philosophy of science.