
Essay On Scientific Method

Decent Essays

The Scientific Method

In the article understanding “Science and How it Really Works”, It becomes apparent that the Scientific Method is much more involved and dynamic than simply forming a Hypothesis, making observations, conducting an experiment and forming a conclusion based on the data collected. While these processes are the backbone they don’t necessarily always follow one another in a sequence and there is much more involved in each step than one may perceive from the simple list.
Generally speaking the Scientific Method begins with an observation that allows you to form a hypothesis. In order to come up with a well informed hypothesis one can look through scientific journals that may lend some light onto the subject your thinking of investigating. Sometimes talking with peers or discovering new tools on the market that allow you to look at things differently than before can be inspirational and lead to observations that then allow you to form a hypothesis.
A hypothesis is a …show more content…

Good experiments that produce reliable data generally have some factors to consider. The sample size and whether it is a good representation of the “universe” you are considering. Are there any biases in the way in which the samples are selected? In other words is it random and does everything within your “universe” have an equal chance of being selected in your sample? If you are testing the effects of certain drugs for example is there a control group that is not receiving the treatment? Last but not least, can the experiment be repeated by others? Conducting a good experiment may be the most difficult part of the scientific method. Often times there are constraints that don’t allow you to perform the perfect experiment. This may include budget limits, ethical considerations, of the inability to control other factors that may influence your

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