
Essay On Sex Trafficking

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Sex Trafficking
"Sex trafficking is defined as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act." (Polaris Project) Sex trafficking is happening in the United States more than people truly know. "An estimated 293,000 children are in danger of being sexually trafficked in the U.S. (Sexual Trafficking) In the United States some women sell themselves for sex for their own benefits, but countless others are made to be slaves for the benefit of the "pimp" by threats, fraud, abuse, coercion, and many other reasons.
Sex trafficking victims can be men or women, child or adult, male or female, foreign or U.S. born. Most often the victims are females between the ages of five and twenty-five with the average age range being twelve to fourteen. (Crisis Aid)
Pimps often look for victims that won't be missed, such as drug users or runaways, but sometimes victims are taken right out of a nice family and moved to a new location …show more content…

Once a sex trafficking victim is trusted to go out and sell herself for sex she is will more than likely be given a nightly quota. The victim must use whatever she can to get the money that is required, which is normally around $500-$1000. The victim can sell herself for sex but often when they get desperate to get enough for money they turn to theft. Quotas must be met. If they don't get met the victim may be forced back on the streets, or denied food, water, and sleep. The victim must turn over 100% of the profits to their pimp. This makes the victim completely dependent on the pimp. To give an idea on how much a pimp makes in a year Polaris Project estimates "that if one girl was forced to meet quotas of $500 per night, seven days a week and gave all of her money to her pimp, and the pimp had three other victims in which he was gaining money from he would make an estimate yearly salary of

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