
Essay On Shashay With A Sales Person

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Shashay With a Sales Person

The salesperson I have chosen is Jonathan Scoggins, which happens to me my father. He was born in Tulsa, Ok and has lived their ever since. He attended Booker T Washington High School and then continued on to college at Oklahoma State University. My dad graduated with a degree in Journalism and Broadcasting. After graduating, he met my mom and they moved to Florida where he had his first job with a company called Staff One. They had my big brother Barrett, and then 3 years later they had me. My dad and mom lived in Jacksonville, Florida for about 3 more years after I was born and then they moved back to Tulsa where my dad continued his career with Staff One. At Staff One he was awarded Top Ten producer year …show more content…

I chose my dad as my salesperson because he provides and does so much for my family that I thought it was more than necessary for me to understand all he does and the things he goes through in order to be successful. My dad and I met a little over a month ago at our house because he works from home. My dad and I began the day by discussing what he felt was important when selling his product to other companies as well as difficulties he faces. On that particular day he had a sales call with a company in Amelia, Florida. I felt a little lost when I was listening to the sales call because there were completely over my head, but I took the best notes I could. Once my dads call was over he discussed with me what had happened in the call and I had a better understanding about what went on. After we had finished discussing the call, I headed back to Stillwater. My dad then went to Florida to meet with the company, Amelia Island Equity Club. When he arrived back in Tulsa, we made a point to meet again to discuss what had gone down the meeting with the company. Shortly after, my dad went to Florida again to meet with Amelia Island and once again returned to discuss with me what happened. At this point he had closed the deal. I took more than one trip to meet with my father because I felt that it was important that I experienced the

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