
Essay On Star Baseball Player

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When teams commit large amounts of resources to a star player in the free agent market, they need to focus on both the revenue that player generates and his salary. In order to address the question of estimating margin revenue product, this paper will focus on a particular star baseball player and his additional impact on revenue. The following paragraphs present an in-depth explanation of the various possible proxies for revenue and the selection criteria for the star player used in the research process. Measurements for revenue can stem from multiple different sources, but the most direct and consistent proxy is attendance. Other data like television contacts or merchandise sales are difficult to standardized and differentiate between players. At its true form, when people go to a baseball game, they are looking for entertainment. Therefore, a star player should theoretically generate more interest, leading to larger crowd at the ballpark. Furthermore, data on fan turnout can be easily accessed on the website, Baseball Reference. By using attendance as a proxy, it allows for a direct and feasible estimation of a star player’s added revenue. Although teams can estimate marginal revenue productivity for any player, this paper specifically examines starting pitchers and their effects on attendance. Unlike position players, starting …show more content…

In the calculation process, this paper uses 0 for a non-divisional rival and 1 for a divisional rival. If the opposing team plays in the same division, fans might be attracted by historical rivalries and familiarity between the teams. Furthermore, the winner of the division will advance to the playoffs so people might be drawn by the intense competition and energy of the game. When the Mariners host a division rival (the Houston Astros, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, Oakland Athletics, or Texas Rangers), this paper expects more fans at the

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