
Essay On Texas Government

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The state of Texas has a government that is broken up in a way to appeal to the public. The question of trusting the government is a common thing for some people. There could be many reasons for this but that’s not important. The government is here to keep control and needs to be trusted by the people. To prevent this distrust, the government is broke up into multiple different levels. These levels are made to aid public needs and separate major powers. The Texas legislature is the main level.

Among the Texas legislature is Legislative Committees. Orders and proposed legislation is dealt with here. Standing Committees have responsibility for many things. It is a permanent institution that creates some sort of familiarity to a fast changing …show more content…

Another part of the Texas legislature is The Speaker of the House of Representatives. This acts as a sort of leader over the house. Powers that are held by the Speaker include assigning bills to committees, scheduling legislation, and appointing committee members. The Speaker doesn’t have complete control, this is also an example of the divided powers. When problems and arguments are brought forward the Conference Committees are the ones responsible for the resolve of these situations. The most common position of power known in Texas is that of the Governor. This position looks as if the Governor runs most things in the state but that is very wrong. Even with the power to appoint independent boards and commissions, the Senate still has to allow these appointments before any final decisions. The Governor is seen as the head of the state, it is a symbol of the state and is the one who is supposed be the leader. One of the most important powers is that of keeping communications and relationships with other states. In an emergency where we need some sort of financial help other states can be there for us. Another part of the Texas Government is the Texas Bureaucracy. This is meant as the solution for gaining the

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