
Essay On Texting And Driving

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While making texting/emailing while driving illegal has the potential to hinder the population from doing it, I think that enforcing the law with the proper punishments is the best was to ensure that people will not text while driving and therefore reduce the risks of accidents that occur because of it.
Making something illegal does not necessarily mean that people will stop doing it; otherwise, we would see less drug-use and underage drinking- not to mention all of the wacky, out-of-date laws that are still technically intact: the six-foot rule for strippers in Florida (kind of hard to give a lap dance from six-feet away), for example. What does hinder people from doing something is the punishment they receive once caught. If the punishment …show more content…

If people are only receiving small fines and tickets as a punishment, that may not be a big enough deterrent for them to stop. What may help them stop however is punishment more related to the crime. For example, someone who is caught texting and driving should have to pay whatever fine is currently associated (because nobody really likes having their wallet tampered with no matter how much money they have) AND be required to do a certain number of community service working with victims of texting and driving so they can see the true ramifications of their actions. They should be required to help fix property damaged by a texting and driving accident, or volunteer in a hospital room or home of a patient who has suffered injuries caused by an accident from texting and driving. If caught a second time, they should be required to pay a larger fine, do the community service once again, plus receive points on their license or have their license suspended; because now they are not only have to see the results of their actions, but also have their life impeded as well. If the infraction keeps occurring, the person should have their license taken away before they cause an

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