
Essay On The 19th Amendment

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It All Started With The 19th Amendment Have you ever wondered how women became who they are today? Or maybe you’re wondering how did they do it? Well i’ll tell you how it all started with the 19th Amendment to the roles they played during the 1920’s then from there it lead to the fashion of what we call Flappers and then after the of the flappers stage it then lead to the new culture of the 1920’s. The 19th amendment was the new start for women in the 1920’s. Women would not be who they are today if it wasn’t for this amendment. The 19th amendment allows women the right to vote. It was passed by the congress in 1919 and was ratified by the state legislatures in 1920. Because of this amendment women are able to vote and also be able to go to college. In fact 26 million women half the population suddenly became eligible to participate in the U.S political office. More women went on to get higher degrees in education in the 1920’s than ever before the number of women enrolled in colleges and universities nearly doubled between 1920-1930. The 19th amendment was big part as to how we as women came to be. …show more content…

Women were taught to tend to their husbands and children. They also had to make sure food was on the table when their husbands came home and that the house was put together everyday before the husband and children got home from work and school. During the 1920’s cleaning the house wasn’t all that bad for the women because the new electrices that were coming out such as the vacuum cleaner, irons,and also washer machines. Which made their jobs less time consuming and fun all at the same time.Women during the 1920’s didn’t get a say in what they can and cannot do, it was almost like their husbands had total control over

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