The American Civil War is a civil war that is fought since 1861 and it is now the year 1864. The Union and the Confederacy are fighting for independence of African Americans to determine the survival of the United States of America. Thousands of young men left their safe homes with loving families and friends for many months to fight in the war to fight for America. The Union will win this battle and make America survive and claim independence and equality for all, but in doing so our strong soldiers have to participate in long hours of drill, often insufficient food or shelter, disease and many days in the hot dusty roads. There lives are very tough right now and it is very hard to communicate with you. All they have from there missed loved …show more content…
They are living in horrible living conditions like trenches and tents.You all might not even be able to picture these codnitions because you may not want tp bekleve how bad the living consitions are but im twelling you this to explain the reality of war to you. In the camp, the our brave soldiers home is known as a dog tent. It is a piece of canvas buttoned to another to form a small two- man tent and sometimes our soldiers would not have anywhere to sleep because the Confederates capture their tents. These army camps looks like a city of white canvas that are usually covered by smoke. The soldiers construct log huts that are large enough to fit several men, which are made by trees. Also, Marching and fighting drills is a huge part of the soldiers routine. Each man gets orders and formations like marching in column and they practice guard mount and other procedures to learn for the rifle musket. In addition, drums were used to announce daily activities. The drum is played to wake up the soldiers at 5 AM followed by an assembly for breakfast and I have seen that sometimes it is used to give signals to load and fire their weapons. Another major aspect of the soldiers lives are the activities they participate during their breaks in war. The soldiers play cards and play rounders or town ball. Also, they play with planks of wood and a ball of twine.The
Description of Life in the Trenches You might be thinking that life in trenches was non-stop death, violence, and pain. But have you ever thought about why? Or what do soldiers do in their trenches when they're not fighting or dying? Do you always trust sources when you read them? Do you always believe what they say on television documentaries?
Life of a soldier is very tough and full of discipline, in the Army of the Potomac the soldier has to keep his body in shape for any battle that might come up. The soldier would do drills every morning. The camps for a soldier were tents, they would pitch a tent and that’s what they would sleep in. The soldier would play games to keep himself entertained and not get bored.
The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are -- perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever."
The soldiers would wake up every morning around 5 A.M. for marching for hours with 40 pound knapsacks and 12 pound rifles. They would take a short break for lunch and then after they were done they would be back at marching and carrying the heavy loads again. While the soldiers marched they would sing songs like “Home Sweet Home”. The Soldiers did marching drill where they walk in straight lines and this would help keep the soldiers fit and it was a discipline. The soldiers were allowed to leave camp but only with permission from the general.
Thousands of children lost their parents in the war. Many enlisted in the war because it was so simple. They could enlist in the war without even needing to tell their age. Some kids even under the age of ten had a very important and dangerous job. This job was a drummer boy. They would beat the drum to a pattern that communicated to the soldiers. They were the first on the battlefield, which is what made their job so dangerous.
The Medical Staff did a lot of amputations because a gunshot wound would kill a man from infection if not treated. These people worked in the middle of the battlefield, in a little tent if they were lucky. The Medical Staff did bloody work and needed to be able to deal with that.
The purpose of this paper is to show the events surrounding the end of the American Civil War. The two sides which were at war was the union and the confederacy. Which was basically the United States separated into 2 sections going at war with each other. In this document, I will speak about those people who were involved on the battlefield towards the end of the war.
The Civil War, often called the War for Southern Independence began on April 12, 1861. The main cause of the war was slavery. The southern states depended on slaves to help grow crops which were the main source of income for the south. Slavery was illegal in all of the northern states but most people actually were neutral about it. The main conflict was if slavery should be permitted in the newly developing western territories.
In the Civil War the North had many advantages over the South. The South was outnumbered, out supplied, and pushed into a corner using military tactics. Many things changed because of the Civil War. The military tactics used by the North changed how war was fought from then on. Many changes were made politically; some were only temporary, while others were permanent. After the war was over, the country was reunited and the image of the soul and duty of our country redefined.
Slavery was the most important cause of the Civil War, because this single issue divided the North and South to begin with. The ideological differences between the North and South led to economic differences, conflicts over newly acquired territories, disputes over the constitution, and political extremism. The Election of 1860 was the culmination of these disputes and caused the South to secede in 1861 and guided the way towards the Civil War.
The American Civil War, which began in 1861 to 1865, has gone down in history as the one of the most significant events to have ever occurred in the United States of America, thus far. At that time, questions had arose wondering how the United States ever got so close to hitting rock bottom, especially being that it was a conflict within the country itself. Hostility steadily grew through the years dividing the nation further and further, and finally leading to the twelfth day in April 1861 in Fort Sumter, North Carolina. The American Civil War was an irrepressible battle and aside from the obvious physical effects of the war, the disagreement over states rights, the act of slavery, and the raising of tariffs played crucial roles in the
The effects of the Civil War brought about changes in the United States. The country had to answer the question: To what level of moral and ethical conduct do we want Americans to be held? Loyalties were seriously evaluated. People had to decide if they held their loyalty to the country as a whole, their state, their families, or even to humanity as a whole. They had to decide if it was right to own another person, or if the slavery system was justified as a way to keep the Southern economy going. Through all this contemplation, people wrote about their thoughts and fears, and as a result, people abandoned romanticism and became realists. Many writings of the Civil War, whether informational or literary, reflect
Did you know that in the Civil War, America lost the most men ever? After four years and over 600,000 American lives, the Union (North) prevailed in wearing down and forcing the Confederacy (South) to surrender. Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, the Missouri Compromise, and the Dred Scott case contributed greatly to the Civil War. After the Civil War, the Southern economy was devastated with millions of homeless, while the northern economy boomed.
In 1861, the American Civil War commenced after many years of tension building between the Northern and Southern states. The main reason of the tension was said to be the debate of slavery between the North and South, and although some documents support this claim, it is false. The war had been brewing since 1607, before slavery was even introduced to the colonies that would become the United States of America. The debate of slavery did play a major part in the civil war; however it did so in supporting the true cause of the civil war. The main cause of the American Civil War was not the debate of slavery, but rather Europe’s role in the American economy.
As touch on above the civil war in Yemen plays a larger part than just intrastate conflict, with multiple key actors within the international system. These actors include Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Britain, France, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, and more. However, when discussing key actor’s which influence the conflict it is easier to discuss on a smaller scale and group these actors by motivation, and intent. Starting with Shiite-ruled Iran, they became involved within the conflict due to shared ideology with the Shiite Houthis, and are speculated to be financially and militarily supporting the rebels. Although Iran denies this, the U.S. Navy has intercepted several shipping boats carrying Iranian