
Essay On The Impact Of World War 1 On American Women

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Despite lasting from only 1914 to 1918, World War I was a period of change throughout the United States. It brought new advances in warfare and technology, but mainly women’s statuses, specifically social, political and economic. Being fought during a time of the federal suffrage movement, women were constantly strengthening their voices to eventually gain the vote within a few years of the war’s end. With male servicemen out of the war, women were substituted in their places and learned skills of independence. Strictly speaking, World War I greatly impacted the fate and society of American women, shaping it into the statuses that they are in today. The current social, political and economic status of women most definitely are not the same as they were during the war. Today, …show more content…

Unfortunately, some of these circumstances were not as good as they seemed. Some even increased the risk of danger, as most working conditions were just accidents waiting to happen. For example, according to the article, “What Did World War One Really Do for Women?” by BBC News, apparent chemicals were often exposed to the workers. Commonly called "canary girls," these women worked with explosives, causing many of them to make contact with toxic jaundice, which turned their hair, skin, and their soon-decayed teeth, yellow. According to the BBC News article, “Calls for memorial to Hereford's WW1 'canary girls’,” it states, “’It did affect them horribly with lung and throat infections,’ she said. ‘Some of them died - I believe around 210 in World War One. That's an awful lot of girls.’” With an outbreak of deaths in the factory, companies began to become out of work. Also arising, worry began to become present in the factories, as employers believed women also received pay as low as half the wages of the men previously. Their motive? Tied within the labor, a

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