
Essay On The Jungle Of Mystery

Good Essays

Drew Meyer
Taler’s Adventure
Once upon a time, there was a tiger named Taler who lived in the Jungle of Mystery. The Jungle of Mystery has flowers of many colors. Taler really liked the blue flowers that grew alongside the cliff. That cliff looked over the waterfall. Her sister, Tara, said, “Now Taler, do not go near that cliff.” Taler heard what her sister said, but she did it anyway, and everyday Taler would get closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. “Now Taler, do not go near that cliff!” Tara had said once more. The next day was Tara’s birthday and Taler wanted to give her a flower that grew a little bit below the top of the cliff. She reached and reached for the flower, but could not get to it. So, later in the day when …show more content…

All Taler could say was, “I’m Taler,” because she was too scared at the sight of him to say more than that. All of a sudden Mila came out and said in a high but loud voice. “This isn’t your playing ground! It belongs to the elephants who helped build this land. So, go away and leave us alone!” “Oh, so the little pip squeak can speak. How about that,” said Leo. Beau spoke up, “Hey that’s not nice! Pick on someone your own size!” Then Peter stepped up and roared really loud from behind the bushes and scared Leo. It scared Leo so bad he ran away in fear. Later that day, the four animals were hungry so they went to Peter’s home to eat. As they were walking to Peter’s house, they saw Leo had gotten his paw stuck in a snake hole and could not get it out. Peter, Mila, and Beau wanted to leave him there because of how he treated them, but Taler didn’t want to. “Come on guys, let’s help him. Even though he was mean, he needs help and it won’t hurt us to help him,” said Taler. They all gave in and said “Okay, let’s help him,” After they helped Leo he was so grateful and promised to never be mean to them or anyone ever again. Taler told Leo how she had gotten to the Forest of Wonder and told him that she is from the Jungle of Mystery. Leo said that he knew how to get there from here. Then, the five animals walked back to the Jungle of Mystery together and they found Tara. Taler was so happy that she got back to her sister. Taler told her sister that she made four

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