
Essay On The Lincoln Memorial

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After everyone were sent on their own to investigate she went back to her desk as everyone else did. Since she wasn’t paying attention, she thought she’d ask her desk pod buddy, Melissa, what the meeting was about after she told her that she was sort of off track during the whole thing. She felt close to Melissa as she was a good listener and she gave good advice, like they were real and close friends. Melissa being the good listener, she understood her situation and decided to help her with what was going on as they were going to be partners after all.
“There’s been a mass murder at the Lincoln Memorial. His picture was taken about 3 hours before it happened, there seems to be something in his pocket that could’ve activated the bomb. …show more content…

There used to be real competition with her as everyone wanted to beat her, but they all finally came to their senses and said that she couldn’t be beat. After a few hours of researching she came to the conclusion that her husband hasn’t been at work. He’s been getting gas from multiple places going farther than any architect project should go, but she couldn’t be sure unless she asked her husband herself. He’s only been getting gas, she found that to be very mysterious. He would always buy supplies whenever he would be going to an architectural project. She tried to go inside of his mind if she were to do something like this. Why would he ever use a debit card it he were trying to hide something? Wouldn’t he just use cash for everything so that way he would be undetectable? That’s when an idea popped in her head. Maybe he just used his debit card for gas stations every now and then so that way he would be able to use the stops as an excuse for spending money, either way he wouldn’t be able to pay it all in cash because I keep track of all the cash in our house and on the both of us. She decided to go home as the information only pointed against her husband. She told Melissa the information she found and also that she was going to go home and subtly question her husband after she would take count of the cash. She walked slowly, or so it felt. It felt as if she were in a slow-motion movie, making parts of the movie slow-motion to make everything more

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