Name Professor’s name Course Date, Film Paper: The “Red Queen”
The Red Queen is a documentary made by the Discovery channel. It tells about a study of ancient remnants of the Maya woman. She was buried honorably, like an important member of the ruling dynasty. Researchers did not ascertain the woman’s identity, but provided enough evidences to suggest she was Tzakbu Ajaw, the wife of Pakal II, one of the greatest Maya rulers, who headed the government of Palenque. The movie also provided insights in the women’s role in ancient Maya life.
The movie portrays the woman as a noble person. Her tomb and used mortuary ceremonies were similar to procedures that were applied to king’s bodies. Red Queen was around 50-60 years old when she died. Woman’s teeth showed she had a high quality diet, but it did not save her from abscesses in the mouth. Red Queen had children, and several pregnancies could be a possible cause of her osteoporosis. Despite the condition, scientists did
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They showed the society had strict gender roles. Women were its important part, but they often played only second roles as mothers and wives of rulers, who give them male successors. Their positions were not limited by these duties; for example, Maya believed women can contact with ancestors, when they sacrifice their blood. They also admitted females’ intelligence and ability to make decisions, if they existed. Women were not prohibited from the throne, but Maya did not like such derogation from traditions and chose them as rulers only it was the only way to maintain the kingdom. So they often stayed in charge as “grey cardinals”. This role was chosen by Sak K’uk’, the mother of Pakal II and one of the potential identities of the Red Queen. She could not come into throne, so she named her son for this post, when he was 12 years old. Sak K’uk’ ruled the country openly without any complains from Pakal and other noble people until her
In Kiss of the Fur Queen, the story begins with forty-three year old Cree hunter Abraham Okimasis winning the "1951 Millington Cup World Championship Dog Derby." (6) The victory is seen to have a significant effect on the Cree hunter's Native identity, as he becomes the first-ever Indian to succeed in the Derby. As time goes by, Abraham becomes the father of two sons, Jeremiah and Gabriel. When the Cree brothers leave their small northern Manitoba village and enter the hostile environment of a residential school, their lives take a turn for the worse. Estranged from their Native culture, Jeremiah and Gabriel are forced to assimilate into the predominately white Canadian society. During their stay at the residential school, the brothers
The women were given the much authority since the last female child of the ruling priestess-queen will inherit the throne since the last child usually was the last to die therefore insuring that fertility will continue. The ruling of the women in the society, religious rituals and social events reflected the matriarchal way of thinking of the people (Rosenburg, 1984).
Elizabeth I, was the queen of England 1558-1613, while she may have brought great success and stability to the government she was questioned in her ability to lead due to her gender. Gender became a critical part of her reign and was brought into question by numerous religious figures. Although most thought a woman was unfit to be a ruler, this did not stop Elizabeth from responding to the criticism with determination to making wise and selfless decisions that proved what a strong leader she was. This determination and leadership fueled the country with success.
What if there was a world divided by blood? Those with red and those with silver, that’s a world that needs a hero. When Mare Barrow the protagonist in Victoria Aveyard’s best selling book; ”Red Queen”, is mixed up in the world of silvers. Mare’s world is corrupted and dangerous and she seems to rise as red as the dawn. Even though heros in most stories are seen as almost gods, they however are not. Mare Barrow rises to the top of a rebellion and becomes a hero for the red blooded humans of Norta. Heros can show how diverse they are, how they’re flawed, and how powerful they can be.
1. How does Ji-li’s opinion about the Communist Party and its beloved leader, Mao Ze-dong, change over the course of her story? Name some of the most crucial events in the autobiography and explain how they change Ji-li's feelings about the party.
My cousin, the Queen of England, Elizabeth I, has had me imprisoned for the last 19 years. I am to be executed for corresponding with Anthony Babington who has been plotting to kill Elizabeth. I chose to write my life, my story, in a measly journal so that whosoever lands upon it my see how I, Mary, Queen of Scots, portray it. I have lived it, so only my Creator knows it better than I.
The main themes in her work are explored through how Native Americans are stereotyped and how colonialism has influenced and still influences Native people, especially Native women, in a negative way. Through her work she takes back history by rewriting using irony. Red Star mostly uses irony in the form of humor because she believes it is a healing way to address difficult topics but also
The Red Shoe is a charming novel composed by the astounding author, Ursula Dubosarsky. The events and happenings in this novel date back to the 1950s. It describes the wars, the diseases of the citizens back then, and detailed descriptions of what it was like in those days and how people lived differently from how we do today. It shows a kind of "slice of life" story style directing to the three sisters in the story. The book suggests war and spies and the effect of the both of them on individuals and families, threats of the diseases and the sexist attitudes dealing with the fact that men had more rights than women back then.
Red Queen attempts to breathe new life into dystopian YA, blending social injustice with supernatural powers. However, at this point, nearly all the plot elements the book contains have already been done and it seems impossible not to compare the story with all those that have come before. Some stories can make a prince in disguise or secret revolutionaries seem fresh and exciting, but though this book kept me reasonably engaged, it never blew me away. It is a solid YA dystopia, and one sure to please fans of the genre, but I have to admit I do not understand all the hype it has received.
Queen, by Audrey Flack is a very captivating piece of artwork. It was painted in 1976, originally Audrey Flack took a picture and then used it as the basis for this painting. Queen is a painting of box that is full of special mementos. It has features such as a quarter of an open orange, a rose, a pocket watch, a queen playing card, a locket of an older and a younger woman, lip balm, perfume, a chess piece, blush, and a chain necklace with the letter “F” on it. The painting almost looks like a vanity drawer or a keepsake drawer. However, realizing the fruits and flower in the painting I understood it to be a collection of the artist's memories as opposed to a drawer. Audrey Flack was demonstrating the many things that were significant to her while aging. Queen signifies the fight against time. It shows that no matter what possessions you retain it will not keep you young. No one can win the battle against time.
The movie The Red Violin is a drama written and directed by filmmaker Francois Girard, which follows the history of a mysterious and intriguing musical instrument over the span of 300 years. Francois Girard got the idea for the movie from events involving the legendary red Mendelssohn, a 1720 Antonio Stradivari violin which was purchased in 1990 by the grandfather of celebrated musician and heiress, Elizabeth Pitcairn (Fricke, 2010). The story is artfully and elegantly put together, and although the story is fictional the plot portrays what could be realistic characters, settings and life situations. There are some flaws in the movie however, but the entertaining qualities more than makes up for them.
Untamed Wrestling was gifted with the presence of the Red Queen. The woman who single handedly makes a name for herself without following somebody else’s foot steps. People may disagree with her actions but it is her duty as the Queen to make a statement as to who runs the kingdom around here. Others may think that they do but in reality it is all because of the Red Queen, you can deny the fact but you surely can’t ignore that the Queen’s presence is very real. It does not matter what anyone says, since she’s here to claim her kingdom and that only starts with one simple action, and that is to never back down from anyone or
Thomson Highway’s The Kiss of the Fur Queen has a core theme of art. In this novel, art is integrated into the lives of the characters. The modernist movement would indicate that art has the ability to plainly exist “art of arts sake”. Peter Lamarque notes “To value a work for its own sake is to value it for what it is in itself, not for the realization of some ulterior ends.” (par. 19) This commonly accepted view, that art is valued because it is great art, not for the role or function that it has in society, restricts arts impact. This perspective limits and does not allow for the surfacing of profound effects that art creates. In the Kiss of the Fur Queen, art has power it does not simply exist but has function. The observable function
the personality of his duchess, he is shown to be a heartless, arrogant man. His complete
The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is often referred to as "The Golden Age" of English history. Elizabeth was an immensely popular Queen, and her popularity has waned little with the passing of four hundred years. She is still one of the best-loved monarchs, and one of the most admired rulers of all time. She became a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements. Yet, about Elizabeth the woman, we know very little. She is an enigma, and was an enigma to her own people.