
Essay On The Short Story

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“Do What I Said!’ is probably the most heard words for a kid from his parents. Ever since human beings have existed, the younger generations have always listened to their elders, people say it is to consider respectful. Especially in a family, kids usually follow what their parents ask them to do. Taking advice from parents is good because they have more experience in life. However, if people only follow what others say, society will have no improvement. In the short story, THE BOAT, the narrator has faced trouble trying to appease two different opinions his father and mother have. And I had the same problem with my grandfather and father’s.
The narrator’s family has a tradition of fishing, the mother in the story loves this tradition, …show more content…

Secondly, the father in the story had been fishing for years, and he was trapped in this tradition. He had been living a miserable life because all he wanted to do was to be educated. This is shown by how his room was full of books and he spent most of his free time reading there. The father could not go and study because the mother always had an expectation that the father would fish and earn money for the family. However, since the father did not like the life of fishing, he also did not want his children to be trapped in this tradition. He allowed his children to read the books, also he told the narrator to go back to school when he dropped out and helped fishing, he said,”and if you are satisfied, I am not, it is best for you to go back”(188). It shows that the son going to school can satisfy the emptiness of the father. He even killed himself so the son will get away from fishing and go study, as they had promised before. The father reminds me of my own father, he had been working in the watch company for years, but he actually wanted to be an accountant. He took accounting in high school when he was younger, since then his dream had been to become an accountant. However, my grandfather asked my father to work with him in the family business when he graduated high school, he tried to persuade my father by telling him that working can earn money and going into

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