I bet you didn't know that if child was contagious with the flu for 8 days, it would cost you up to seventy-three of your hourly paychecks and $300 to $4,000 in medical expenses, medicine, hospitalization, and time away from work. Child vaccinations should be mandatory before they attend school. Vaccinations should be required, because they save about 285 children every hour and 2,500,000 every year, decrease death by measles by 74%, and are “one of the safest medical products available.” (ProCon.org) Vaccines are a life-saving medical product to prevent diseases like smallpox, rubella, diphtheria, polio, and whooping cough. Risks are far greater than if you don’t get your vaccinations. The reason risks are far greater is because vaccines usually only have minor side effects or possible infections. Ordinarily, negative side effects are very rare. Most people who have side effects from vaccines only …show more content…
Vaccines are 90-99% effective in preventing disease. There is also a decrease the chance of an outbreak when a large portion of the population is vaccinated. Vaccination would greatly decrease sickness in largely populated areas. From 1994 to 2014, about 322 million children were prevented from childhood illnesses and 732,000 children in the United States were saved from death because of vaccines. Every hour about 285 children are saved and 2.5 million saved every year because of how successful vaccines perform against preventable diseases. Consequently, when vaccinations are given to young children and infants over two decades, it prevents 21 million hospitalizations, 332 million illnesses, and 732,000 deaths. When patients received the measles immunization, death from measles was reduced by 74%. Vaccines have saved so many lives and continue to save lives everyday. You never know if it might have saved someone important to
Imagine two children; one who has been completely vaccinated, and the other has never been vaccinated. Both children fall ill from the same virus, but the child who had been vaccinated fully recovers, while the child who was not passes away due to complications. That child’s life could have been saved if the child received the proper vaccinations. Ever since the invention of the Smallpox vaccine more than two centuries ago, there has been an abundance of controversy over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and safety of vaccinations and immunizations. It has recently been argued whether laws should be introduced that render some or all vaccines mandatory for all children. Parents, health care specialists, nurses, teachers, and children
Should vaccines be required in the United States for children to attend school? Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children of the United Sates who wish to attend school. Today American parents refuse to vaccinate their children due to a wide variety of unfounded fears. Firstly, adverse reactions to vaccines are extremely rare. Secondly, vaccines create immunity for the community and for future generations to come. Lastly, vaccines save children and their parents’ time and money. In conclusion, vaccinations are extremely critical to the control and eradication of deadly infectious
As employees and health care works of well known organizations, we have an ethical and moral obligation to make decisions and choices that reflect the best interest of the health of our patients. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2010), mandatory programs should be enforced for health professionals justifying the need for employees to receive the influenza vaccine. The Joint Commission believes that an estimated 80% or higher of influenza immunization rates are crucial for providing the necessary immunity needed to protect and reduce influenza infections or health-related illnesses (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2010). Voluntary programs consist of having the vaccine readily available for employees for no cost, providing staff with education on influenza prevention, and having
Influenza is very contagious and spreads rapidly from person to person. Influenza causes worldwide yearly epidemics. According to World Health organization Influenza affects 5-15% world’s population and resulting in 500,000 deaths yearly. Ottenberg stated that, in United States, an average of 200,000 were hospitalized and 36,000 died each year from influenza complications. Influenza is the sixth leading cause of death among US adults and is related to 1 in 20 death in persons older than 65 years. Disease control and prevention estimates indicate that infections like H1N1 which is one of the types of influenza, have resulted in an estimated 42 to 86 million cases and 8520 to 17620 deaths. As I mentioned earlier that infections like
Vaccines save 2.5 million kids every year. Childhood deaths from measles has gone down 74% due to vaccination. The article “Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children” quotes the Centers for Disease Control who states, “732,000 American children were saved from death between 1994 and 2014 due to vaccination.”The author quotes the Center for Disease Control who states, “322 million cases of child illnesses were prevented in the same years due to vaccination.” Vaccines save millions of kids every year.
In any case, a parent or guardian’s child is their number one priority. Across the nation, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and younger relatives are adored and loved by their family. Most will receive vaccines, but a few will not. Despite the families’ differing points of view, they all have one something in common: the children all attend school. There is an immense risk when allowing unvaccinated children to attend the nation’s schools. Two authors of a recently read article can further support the claim. “We found that unvaccinated
Between 1924 and 2013, vaccinations prevented 103 million cases of polio, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis A, diphtheria, and pertussis (Bailey). Vaccinating is “the process by which pathogenic cells are injected into a healthy person in an attempt to cause the body to develop antibodies to a particular virus or bacterium—successful creation of antibodies is referred to as immunity to the disease caused by the particular pathogen” (Introduction to Should Vaccinations be Mandatory). Popular conflicts regarding vaccination include the worry that this form of immunization isn’t natural, the idea that vaccination schedule for children in the U.S. takes away parents’ rights to make decisions for their children, and the concern that vaccinations aren’t safe for all children. Most doctors and scientists advocate for vaccinations in the name of herd immunity, protection against foreign diseases and prevention against pockets of disease outbreaks. Vaccinations should be mandatory for all children in the United States for who they are deemed safe and effective.
The United States of America is known to most as the Land of the Free for numerous reasons. In the United States of America Americans are granted multiple freedoms such as speech, religion, sexual orientation and the right to bear arms. Americans have financial freedoms, freedom to choose the best schools for their children and the freedom to choose which, if any, vaccinations are right for their children regardless of which school they choose. The public school system allows an exemption of vaccinations for medical, religious or philosophical reasons. The question that remains is, regardless of what the law says, is it safe for the general population to have unvaccinated children attending or socializing with others?
There are side effects in everything around us and nothing is one hundred percent safe and vaccinations are no different. There are 30,000 cases of adverse reactions have been reported annually and about 10%-15% are considered serious like permanent disability, hospitalization, life-threatening illness, or death (“Should Any Vaccine Be Required for Children?”). Although there are reactions to these vaccinations every year it is only a small percentage of the people, adults included, that are vaccinated annually. The most common side effect of vaccines is a severe allergic reaction. Sanjay Gupta,
Over the years, there has been much controversy surrounding the subject of childhood vaccinations. With differing opinions, many are in favor about childhood vaccinations being required for children. Children vaccinations have been proven to be an effective means of preventing serious effects, including fatalities, from childhood illnesses yet there is still controversy over whether the risk of side effects from the vaccines outweighs the risk of contracting diseases. The belief behind mandatory vaccinations has been linked to people wanting vaccinations to be required for children because it will prevent the spread of childhood diseases, but there are still questions and concerns around why childhood vaccinations should be required. Questions surrounding this topic are: why should vaccines be required, are there any serious risks involved in vaccinating your child, and should children be turned away from school if they do not have vaccinations? There is also the question of should these vaccinations be mandatory or should this solely be a choice that the parents of the child should make? In order for us to be able to take our stance on the subject, we need to examine the answers to the question.
Councilmen and councilwomen, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are the leading research agencies on vaccinations within our nation with a primary functional objective at reducing curable communicable diseases thorough early child hood vaccinations. According to the CDC, “influenza A (H3N2) viruses were prominent death rates were more than double what they were during seasons when influenza A (H1N1) or influenza B viruses predominated (CDC), yet, school requirements within the jurisdiction of California required no such vaccination/s, protection/s, and/or “blanket of security” for others, prior to the enrollment as a student (CDC). What we do know is that children are exposed to the normality’s of fever, coughs, and sore throats, yet, these symptoms are directly related to the onset of
Despite significant progress in the fight against preventable disease, millions still die needlessly each year. According to UNICEF, originally known as the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, a vaccine preventable disease is responsible for 2 million fatal infections worldwide each year. About 75% of these deaths occur in children under five years of age. (N) In more vivid terms, UNICEF notes that vaccine-preventable diseases kill a child every 20 seconds. (D) Due to high rates of childhood vaccination, the United States has experienced a dramatic reduction in such deaths. A comparison of the years 1950 and 2010 clearly illustrates the benefits of vaccinations. During this 60-year period, deaths from diphtheria reduced from 410 to 0, tetanus from 336 to 3, pertussis from 1,118 to 26, and polio from 1,904 to 0. Measles deaths dropped from 468 in 1950 to 0 in 2008, the last year a United States death rate was recorded. It’s not surprising that vaccinations have been touted as one of the top ten health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
So far in the year of 2016 alone there have been fifty-four people from sixteen states who reportedly contracted measles. This is down drastically from 2015 where 189 people from twenty-four states were reported with measles (U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services). This is largely due to an outbreak at Disneyland which spread throughout the country. With all of the vaccinations available one would think this would be an uncommon occurrence, unfortunately it isn 't as uncommon as it should be. There are many reasons people don 't vaccinate their children. Some people believe it can cause autism or physical complications, others don 't vaccinate their children because of religious beliefs, and some believe that the vaccinations hold no real purpose and will do nothing for children. There is a staggering amount of research supporting vaccinations and more people need to know the benefits of vaccinating their children.
Vaccination can save your child. The medical world is more advance then it has ever been before. The advancements in medicine have been able to save many children’s lives again harmful diseases that once killed thousands. Vaccines have killed off many diseases and a lot are on the brink of extinction. Vaccination protects your child from more diseases than ever before. Polio was once an epidemic in the united states that killed millions. Thankfully to vaccination polio is very rare and has not been reported in the states recently. Vaccinations help your child’s immune system interact with the substance that is in the shot and kill it off so that they are immune. The vaccine will not harm your child. Yes, there can be allergic reactions but that is better than death from your body not being prepared to attack the viruses.
It used to be that vaccinations were considered a normal part of childhood, right along with loosing teeth and toilet training. However, in recent years vaccinations have become an extremely hot button issue, with many parents actually choosing not to vaccinate their children. The idea seems preposterous considering how many people were left with twisted backs, and withered limbs due to polio, or the amount of deaths as a result of measles. To see someone who has been left in an iron lung from a disease that is now preventable, and still choose not to prevent the disease seems absolutely asinine, and yet many parents are doing just that. Sadly, much of the fear of vaccines stems from Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and his fraudulent research that