
Essay On War Powers Resolution

Satisfactory Essays

When two people in charge have powers that coincide there is sure to be conflict. This is just the case with the war powers shared by Congress and the President stated in the U.S. Constitution. The Congress has the power to declare war, but the President is commander-in-chief. Being that these two branches of government had jobs that overlapped, Congress attempted to define the balance of powers between the two by passing the War Powers Resolution. The Constitution initially stated in Article 1 that the power to declare war was denoted to the Congress and the area of military control given to the President was commander-in-chief (specifically of the Army and Navy). As you can probably tell, having two “leaders” with powers that are quite similar might cause some confusion and spark disagreements. The main conflict that …show more content…

This resolution improved the separation powers situation by limiting the President’s war making power. One of the main provisions made by this resolution requires that the President consult with Congress and receive their consent to send troops into war before making any decision unless in case of national emergency. If there is a national emergency and the President sends troops into conflict then they can only stay there 2 months at most unless Congress takes action. These provisions helped clarify the exact war powers of both branches. The War Powers Resolution didn’t only put restrictions on the President’s power, but also set those of the Congress in stone. The Congress has quite a few formal powers, but those based solely on war issues include that of appropriating funds for war. The President may sends troops into conflict and plan to attack, but without the funding from the Congress this is not possible. Funding control greatly increases the Congress’ role in war making. With the War Powers Resolution in place the Congress can severely limit the President’s war

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