
Essay On White Supremacists

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Despite allegedly becoming more tolerant of diversity, society is undergoing a drastic resurgence of extreme racism and white supremacist groups. Though many people are willing to accept diversity, there are still many people who view other races as a threat to them, and this is contributing to the outbreak of white supremacy today. By viewing themselves as the victim, the effect of their personality abnormalities, and from powerful psychological factors, white supremacists have been able to construct their abhorrent views that plague society today. Furthermore, due to persuasive recruiters, the white supremacist’s ability to dehumanize others, and the influence from today’s society, white supremacist groups are becoming far more common. White …show more content…

1). They are able to justify this belief, as many white supremacists believe that they themselves are the victims. Psychologist Mitch Berbrier studied the patterns of dozens of white supremacists and discovered the different beliefs that they share that allow them to play the role of the victim in their minds. The first thing he found was that they all believe they are being discriminated against. In their eyes, the civil rights movement that ended in the late 60s, upset the balance and now the world appears to be in favour of minority groups. According to David Duke’s organization, the National Association for the Advancement of White People, “blacks have enjoyed far more benefits from whites than they have endured privation. American blacks have the highest standard of living, [and] the greatest educational and employment opportunity” (Khazan, 2017, para. 6-7). Secondly, Berbrier found that white supremacists feel that their basic rights are being abolished. They perceive that minority groups are able to have their own publications and support, but they, on the other hand, are being denied this right (Khazan, 2017, para. 9). Thirdly, white supremacists are being psychologically affected through their loss of

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