The colonists had a right to rebel against the British government because of the government's unfair treatment of the colonists. Before the Revolution, the colonists had to help Great Britain in the French and Indain War. After the war, the colonists were ended up paying taxes for stamps, paper, tea, and other goods that they exported because the British Parliment thought that the colonists should pay for the war. The colonists had no representation in the Parliment, so they thought that the taxes weren't fair. Another reason why I think that the Founding Fathers had a right to revolt against the British government is the quartering laws that the Parliment had passed. They weren't at war with anyone, so the colonists shouldn't …show more content…
"The British had the right to tax the colonists because the French and Indian War happend in the colonies." was one of the arguements propsed at a debate I had in class once. That might have been true if the colonists had representation in the Parliment because they would have some say in what the taxes should be. Since they weren't represented, then the taxation was not fair. Another point that came up in that debate is the quartering act that the British had placed on the colonists. Some of the class mates said that it didn't matter if Britain wasn't at war because they need to be ready and have places to stay if they did go to war. A friend of mine said that our country couldn't survive, that's why the British came back in 1812 and declared war on the US. The founding fathers had every right to rebel. The only time that citizens or colonists should be tax is if they are represented by the ruling government. If the country is going to war, then there should be a Quartering Act that should end when the war ends. This country has been around for 240 years, so to the people who said that the reason why we fought the British in 1812 was because our country didn't survive, you are
In the early 1700s, the American colonists were content with the rule of Great Britain and the British King. The practice of salutary neglect kept the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain in balance. Most people were satisfied with this arrangement. However, certain events caused these feelings to change. During the 1750s and 1760s, Great Britain and the colonists joined forces against the French during the French and Indian War. Although the British won, the war left them with huge debts and new lands to protect in North America. To solve the problems, the British government passed a number of laws. Some of these laws ordered the colonists to pay new taxes. These new taxes angered colonists because they had no representatives
The colonist were being taxed for a war they weren’t involved in. First, “The British government decided to make the American colonies pay a large share of the war debt from the French and Indian War,” (Social Studies for kids.). British wanted Americans to pay for a war they weren't involved in since the British was in debt. Colonist protested, saying “That these taxes violated their rights as American citizens and shouldn’t pay for Britain's debt.¨Maybe one day society will realize how poor British was after the French and Indian War.
In 1763 Britain was deeply in debt from protecting the colonies from war with France. Since Britain was protecting the American people from the french and indians they expected the American people to help pay for the high expense from war. Thinking the American people would surely agree they passed the first of many taxes in 1763, the stamp act. This tax imposed by British Parliament required Colonists to pay fees on many printed documents such as legal documents, diplomas, and even playing cards. The Colonists were outraged by these taxes. John adams said that the taxes were unconstitutional because the people did not consent to the taxes. Colonists protested by boycotting British goods and threatened violence on anyone who tried to collect
The taxation of the colonists was very important to what would eventually be the American Revolution. The people of the colonies were finally united, though they have not called for an army to be made or haven’t talked about independence, they are starting to come together, and make their differences blur.
Taxation was a big problem and a cause of the Revolutionary War. First, “With the French and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens,”( The Colonist felt they didn't have the same rights as British citizens because they were being taxed for Britain's war dept and taxes. Meaning the Colonist were taxed for Britain's war debts. The French spent 1.3 billion livres on war costs. Britain was wrong for taxing the Colonist for their war dept,
Were the colonists’ rights really violated enough to justify a revolt against Britain? Colonists came to America for a new beginning and more freedoms. When they revolted they stopped receiving British imports protection, and we had created the Magna Carta to give them government rights. There was absolutely no reason for the colonists to revolt against Britain.
In the case of the Revolutionary War, The British taxed almost everything. Stamps, Rum, Tea, Marriage licenses, almost anything imaginable. This made the colonists angry, with a good reason too. Having to pay extra on necessities is an outrage. Americans had a tough time already as the Pure British people got extra privileges and specialties, just because they were born somewhere else. This angered the Colonists so they took revenge
A wise man name Patrick Henry once said, “No taxation without representation.” The king started to make the colonists pay taxes on almost everything also known as the Tax Act of 1763 (“The Boston Tea Party”). The colonists, especially got irritated when the king made them only buy tea from the East India Tea Company, also known as the Tea Act of 1773 (“The Boston Tea Party”). The Boston Tea Party was a significant act of disobedience by the colonists that jolted the issue of taxation and helping spark the Revolutionary War.
The American colonists were loyal British subjects until King George went against the established English principles of the Magna Carta, and felt that he was above the law. The King began to assert his authority over the colonies. ( The ongoing costs of administering and protecting North America in the Seven Years War nearly drained the British treasury. (Keene, 2011). A great deal of money went to buying expensive supplies for the American army and the colonies. In order to pay off his debt, the King felt the need to instate taxes on the colonies without their consent. This was viewed “As an ominous first step in a plot to deprive them of their liberty,”(Keene, page96) and an infringement of the rights of the citizens.
I believe the colonists were justified in rebelling against the British, because of the abusive king and British parliament, the taxes without representation, the laws without consent of colonists (such as the Quartering Act), and deaths of the colonists in brutal events, such as the Boston Massacre. All these events combined caused outrage throughout the colonies (such as the Boston Tea Party, and tarring and feathering of British officials), and sparked a rebellion that would change the history of the colonies forever.
One of the biggest disputes between Great Britain and the American colonies was the issue of taxes. Although the colonists viewed themselves as standing British citizens, they had minimal to no
It was important for the colonists to leave the British rules, so they no longer have to follow the laws and the punishment of the British . Back when the king had control over America meanings he gets to decide what he can do, he had control of the judges. Control of the judges was critical as it dealt with assigning guilt and innocent in the courts. In addition, the king also had enough power to decide the punishment on the when he or she is guilty party. The British government holds the right to make the colonist to pay more taxes. If they don’t, they can punish them according to the law. Also, on document K the King of Britain, king George the III “has created his own set of laws and now feels that he has a right to force us to give food and shelter to British soldiers, stop us from trading with the rest of the world, and has set up too many taxes for us that we have no choice in paying. He also wants to punish people without a fair trial and jury.” King George had enough power to create all kinds of laws that made it unfair for the colonists to lead prosperous lives. Once the colonists were victorious in overthrowing British rule,
George Washington once said “to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” This quote exemplifies the just nature of the American Revolution. The American revolution was a political revolt started by colonists in order to gain freedom from Great Britain’s monarch. As suggested previously, this war was unquestionably vindicated. Colonists fled from Britain to escape The King. When starting their own nation, they wanted to create their own paths, freedoms, and futures. However, these desires were not immediately attainable. Immediately Britain began micromanaging the colonists, forcing them to pay reparations for a war they did not benefit from. It is understandable that colonists were angry. Parliament was relentless, passing the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, as well as numerous other ploys for money. The colonists, eager to start a new nation, were already facing enough difficulties without British Parliament and the King breathing down their necks. Colonists were not able to vote for members of Parliament, therefor felt as though it was unfair for them to be ruled by a force they had no control in. The colonists had the right to start a war, and a justified one at that. It was, and still is, considered an important American right to rise up, should a government turn oppressive.
Parliament (England's Congress) wanted to tax the colonists because of the long French and Indian War fought in North America that had caused them to fall into a huge debt. King George claimed that they only fought the war to protect the colonists from the dominating French in Canada, and that it was their obligation to pay the taxation that had been set upon the colonies. The colonists knew that the war had only been fought to strengthen England's empire. The colonists felt that the members of Parliament could not possibly understand what is right for the colonies, and that it was unfair that they did not have the right to vote for the members of parliament. Parliament passed taxation anyways through a series of acts, but the colonists refused
Many people have the misconception that the American Revolution occurred because British colonists did not want to be British citizens any longer. This may have been the case for a select few, but many British colonists desired to maintain their status as British colonists and citizens. The foremost reason that the colonists began protests, boycotts, and petitions against the British was because they believed their innate rights as British citizens were being violated. The American Revolution occurred due to a chain of events and a complex set of intertwined reasons.