
Essay On Why The Constitution Is Important To Me

Satisfactory Essays

Why The Constitution is Important to Me

When speaking about American government, it’s hard not to think about the United States Constitution. The most important document to America which set the building blocks of our newfound nation. This is the certificate created fundamental laws for our country and outlined our primary civil rights as citizens. Not to mention, future laws and court cases will be judged on whether they are in compliance with the guidelines set in this historic archive. The magnitude this paper holds on our great country's ability to remain at peak performance and influence is absolutely remarkable. The main goal of this document was written in the first few words of the four pages. “In order to form a more prefect union" was penned by James Madison in the preamble of our democracy’s cornerstone. It was all about making the United States a better place for anyone and everyone who wanted to come here. The founders of our country …show more content…

The Constitution surrounds us everyday even though most people aren’t aware of it. Everyday people have certain unalienable rights that they can’t be infringed upon because our constitution protects them. Everyday people have freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition all because of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. Everyday citizens are protected and given an environment where they can work and live productive lives in our country. The Constitution gives so much to the United States on a daily basis that Americans don’t realize what life would be like without this special document. Likewise, other countries have used our Constitution as a blueprint on how to make a successful government. It has withstood the test of time as it has been over 200 years since our government was born. It is what shapes our country and what makes America the huge success story that it is

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