
Essay On Why We Need To Help Each Other

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Why We Need to Help Each Other It was just a normal day so far, I had done my normal monotonous routine: wake up excruciatingly early, get dressed, go to Clear Creek, have classes, get the homework, board the bus and just get home. Along my journey to the bus I was having a discussion with a friend about how much homework, I had as a 5th-grader in the first few months of my 5th grade career. Not at all paying any attention to the ominous feeling I had in my stomach. Today was different somehow. Something was off. Once I started heading home everything changed. When I first heard the thundering boom in my ears, I knew something was wrong. “Remember to do your homework kids! Have a good night!” shouted my 5th grade teacher in a desperate …show more content…

The people on the bus started acting out. “We crashed guys! Oh, this is so cool!” said a few in the back jumping up and down on grounds where normally not many dared to venture. Others, chose to start lashing out and crying. “Are we ok? Oh my gosh, what’s happening?!” Me however, I was just frozen. I was conflicted on whether I should take action or just be calm and still. But I was once again postponed any decision when I saw my teacher running as fast as lighting towards the alarming scene. In a flash she was on the bus with a police officer coming to see if anybody was injured. “Hello, everyone during the crash was anybody injured?” exclaimed the officer. Luckily nobody was but some of us would always remember this day. “Ok everybody due to the situation,” began the bus driver, “We need to vacate the bus. Your parents have already been contacted some of them are on their way to come pick you up. Now please calmly exit the bus and stay on the sidewalk.” Once we've all evacuated the bus we were greeted by the longing looks from the people driving by wanting to know what was happening. Walking off the bus these looks only added the anxious feeling I had. But it didn’t that traffic from the exiting cars leaving the other schools was completely stopped. While waiting we also got to hear so many variations of ‘Please be calm I know it’s stressful but you have to try.’ On the billionth time the new bus

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