Recently, technology is developing rapidly; electricity has become increasingly important and almost as important as water. My parents always taught me that more advanced higher education will give me as many opportunities to develop as other people and intellectuals of modern society.
When I was in childhood, I used to go to the science museum with my parents. One day, I held an electrical and electronic experience at the science museum. It seemed difficult before the experiment but was really fun and exciting. The helper of the science museum praised me when I understood what was required with a lot of concentration. Later, I enjoyed making an electric circuit through a scientific kit, which I received as a gift.
In middle school, I learned about Ohm’s law and magnetic field in the science class and felt interested in calculating the current, the voltage, and the resistance by using the formulas to find the answers. The science teacher gave me a lot of help and encouragement when I had frequently asked, so I studied hard and got an excellent grade on the final exam. Thanks to this, I started in the electrical engineering department and aimed to be the best in this field.
I have completed advanced courses in mathematics and science as I chose the science course in high
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It respects the diversity and personality of students and encourages exchange with other students. The second reason is the university is located geographically and educationally at a good place. I know Philadelphia is a historically important city with a great level of art and culture, which gives a lot of opportunities for undergraduates to experience diverse cultures as well as a wealth of diversity beyond the school program. Thirdly, I am impressed with its faculty and curriculum for electrical engineering
Located in Northern California, near Palo Alto, Stanford University is a medium sized, private university with 16,000 students. It is often referred to as the “Ivy League of the West.” As the most selective college in the United States, Stanford accepts only 4.8% of the approximately 44,000 applicants, carefully selecting applicants that have the potential to be leaders in the future. Leaders such as John F. Kennedy (US President), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (co-founders of Google), and Elon Musk (Entrepreneur - best known for Tesla motors) are well known alumni of Stanford who have become extremely successful in their respective fields. When applying to Stanford one should consider the admissions criteria, tuition, and academic majors. Also, it is important to have academic support, understand the college’s demographics, and familiarize oneself with campus life.
All in all, Rutgers University is a name that does not need any introductions. Soaring high as one of the greatest high learning institutions not just in the United States, but also the World, I am sure I have made the right choice in picking Rutgers University over other institutions in the United States.
Excellence motivates me to achieve, regardless of hardships and obstructions in my path. I put in effort and hard work to maintain a healthy balance with school, work, and extracurricular activities, so that I can continue to achieve. I have visited Rutgers University several times last year and each time lowered me in more and more. My first visit was to the Rutgers Camden Campus for Open House event. The information received sparked a curiosity inside of me to check out what the other campuses had to offer me. After doing much-needed research on what I really wanted to do with my life and career goals I began to have my eyes set on Rutgers University Newark Campus. I then made sure that I had to make it to the next upcoming Fall Open House to experience this wonderful campus for myself.
Personal Statement The reason why I chose to attend Regent university is because, I know Regent university is a wonderful school, with great programs and student-faculty ratio of 19:1. I am a graduate of Cape Fear Community College (CFCC), and the University of North Carolina of Wilmington (UNCW), who plans on attending a graduate school next semester. I am a Christian and a firm believer in Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus is walking with me and guiding me every day of my life.
Methodist University was one of my top five schools when I started to apply for school. There were three important aspects to why I chose to attend Methodist University. The most important part aspect of going to Methodist was the education part, along side with the men’s lacrosse program and my girlfriend.
Everyone on the face of the earth is born/blessed with a special gift or two , when this gift is used to its use the full potential it becomes an ultralight beam in the world. My gift, its the gift of knowing people, my gift is the gift of being able to make everyone around me happier and enable everyone to have a better day.
Back when I was a senior in high school, I applied to Rutgers but decided to go to my local community college, Camden County College, due to financial issue and not wanting to put the burden of my education on my parents’ shoulders. I also felt that I was not prepared to take on a university and that going to community college would help me get a feel for what college would be like. Two years later, after working diligently, I am about to graduate with an Associates degree in Computer Science and the feeling that I am prepared to take on public university. While I am truly grateful for my current college, I felt that I was not too enriched in computer science. However, I want to continue my education at Rutgers to get more extensive and thorough study in computer science to achieve my goal. I hope to continue my education at Rutgers University to fulfill my goal of becoming a competent and knowledgeable software engineer.
I am attending Marshall University because it truly feels like this is the school for me. I have attended activities on the campus during my time in high school like the Summer Healthcare Pipeline Initiative and I feel that through those experiences I have been able to experience the campus enough to know that this is where I belong. When I have talked to students in the programs for the major that I am interested in they always have nothing but good things to say, and I think that's says a lot about how this university. Lastly, I appreciate that the location of Marshall is close enough to my hometown of South Charleston for me to stay close to my family and friends and it is far enough for me to be able to gain independence.
In recent years, the use of solitary confinement has become a topic of interest in the mental health field, criminal justice system, and political arena. Despite being deemed Constitutional by the Supreme Court, many mental health professionals are beginning to investigate the negative psychological effects of solitary confinement. Although there is growing concern regarding the humaneness of solitary confinement, a topic of interest that has yet to be explored in much detail is the relationship between theories of criminal behavior regarding aggression and solitary confinement.
When it comes to deciding on what colleges I'm going to apply to, I am very decisive. However, I know for a fact that applying to Hofstra isn’t even questionable.
Growing up in a small town, with the knowledge of a small town community can have an effect on you. Having the respect and dignity to know between right and wrong adds and interesting aspects into a life style. Growing up in a small community makes you realize what it is like to have small class rooms and having your teachers know you by a first name basis.Knowing everyone on each sport team because “everyone knows everyone in a small town”. I had the ability to be able to ride my bike down the street without a real question of my safety where I grew up in Worland Wyoming. I have different academic interests than others may, I enjoy different extracurricular activities than other students, and life experiences that are unlike anyone else that have shaped me into who I am today.
Education is important and plays a vital role in everyday life. Educating begins at birth. The demand for a higher education today is under demand and is always increasing. Self-improvement, endless job opportunities, and character development are all
As author, Andrew Heller said, “Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes” (Farfan, 2016). Heller means that technology must be constantly updated otherwise it will become boring, outdated and undesirable. When at full employment, society can dedicate themselves to work toward technological advancements. A higher education is vital to advance technology far enough to benefit the economy.
A significant moment in my life is the day I had the good fortune of meeting with Temple University, Japan Campus representative, Nathan Crowne at Santa Monica College’s College Fair last year. I was immediately connected to Nathan and his enthusiastic introduction of TUJ. TUJ’s affordability is most remarkable to me because as a low-income student it will support my financial situation and allow for me to pursue my goals to travel the world, become multilingual and become an attorney. Ever since I met with Nathan, TUJ has become my number one choice for transfer. I am writing in hopes that you will favorably consider my application.
My true passion for engineering began when I came across the quote: "Technology are devices that make our lives better". Despite my first love of mathematics, my recent interest for engineering has come from two major influences. The first being my mathematics and physics teachers, both engineers by nature, who have helped me enhance the fundamental skills essential for engineering and embrace the importance of the field. The second being the learning about uses of technology in Computer Science, it taught me the magnitude of which technology contributes to our everyday lives has led me to intensify my desire to improve the lives of others.