Unit 1 improved my pedagogical knowledge and ability of putting knowledge into practice to accelerate learning. I realized the significance of knowing my students as learners when results obtained from learning styles inventory and intelligence assessment completed by students provided me a strong base for selecting teaching methods for my lessons. I agree to Lefever (2011) that each person's learning style is as unique as a signature. Learning theories helped me in understanding students' behaviours, emotions, and thoughts. I focused on student-centred teaching by selecting participatory instead of passive teaching methods for my students. Informal assessment techniques as traffic light cards, fist to five, thumbs up/ thumbs down are great
The film Higher Learning is a call to action. It is a film that shows people as products of their environment. The film is set on a college campus, a place where most people learn about what they will do in their adult life to try to better the world or simply educate themselves in order to live a better life. However, life on the Columbus campus is not good; it is a battlefield between the races and sexes. I feel it is a bit exaggerated, but it allows people to see some of the issues that go on, on a college campus. The film focuses on three freshman (Malik, Kristen, & Remy) entering college. They enter a less than ideal new world that is filled with tension, anxiety and fear. Although the writer uses stereotypical characters, it
| A good way of exploring a topic in depthUseful to assess a learners knowledge and understanding of the topicAll learners can be encouraged to be involvedDiverse characteristics and backgrounds of learners will ensure a well rounded view
Another impact of the new learning that I will follow in Module 1 that I will follow is as a teacher I need to make sure that the lesson is interesting and all the learners involved in carrying out the
Task 3: demonstrate how to support children and young people in making choices for themselves.
The observation conducted and post observation discussion with my experienced colleague helped me to identify key teaching and learning activities that I could implement in my lesson plan. Also the points of reflection that were mutually figured out served as a guide for me to prepare for Unit 2.
Numerous teens go off to college not knowing basic life skills that become increasingly helpful when you're off on your own. Figuring things out on your own isn’t always an awful thing, but if you had someone to teach you about life and how to manage your way through it, it would be so helpful. One not so great thing about figuring information out on your own is that you could end up making some costly mistakes. One of the best times to learn life skills such as managing money, cooking, raising a child, first aid, relationship and communication skills, and how to get a job is right before a teen goes off to college. There is a great deal of teens who go off to college and will be living on their own for the first time, if we taught life skill type classes in high school they would be more prepared to go off on their own.
Johann Pestalozzi’s work is still evident in modern practises. Most of today’s curriculum is based on child led learning because we now that children understand concepts when they have explored and found out for themselves.
According to Rogers (2013, p.87) Jessica was in stage six intimacy verses isolation of Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development Persons in this stage of psychosocial development are looking for intimacy and closeness in their relationships while still keeping their identity. If they do not achieve intimacy than they are at risk of isolation. One could view Jessica seeking fertility treatment as her wanting to obtain ultimate intimacy with her husband. What is more intimate than sharing a child with someone. This could be the reason why Jessica thought something was wrong with her which was making her question her identity in a sense. Jessica said that since Laurel has been born her and John have grown closer which could indicate that sharing a child together gave them the intimacy they both were seeking.
Emily: I chose to attend the LGBTQ Education Conference in Seattle, WA. This conference was primarily directed towards educators and administrational support staff within academic settings, and was hosted by the SAFE Schools organization of Washington State. The objective that SAFE Schools sought in this conference was to introduce educators and school support staff to the history of the LGBTQ community, as well as to offer a tool box of skills that they can pull from to create the safest learning environment possible for students who align with a LGBTQ orientation (Safe Schools, n.d.). During the conference, a panel of educators discussed current issues their schools are facing, and how they
Students have their own best way in effectively learning the lesson. With the diversity of students, the problem is each student has a preferred learning style. It becomes undeniably one of the reasons that make it difficult to achieve the best expected outcome out of teachers’ effort. However, teachers try to incorporate various teaching techniques to make every learning opportunity become productive, meaningful, and relevant for the learners.
With knowledge gained from previous experience, I knew that the students I would be teaching were comfortable with a variety of learning methods, but work more effectively when a practical or group task is set. I shall therefore tailor my resources to promote this type of learning within my teaching group.
This paper explores the various methods I have learned as a student in the introduction to research course. The skills and methods taught in this class have been presented through course textbooks, online articles and videos, and interaction with the professor. Other opportunities for learning the research skills and methods occurred through writing of papers, testing knowledge through quizzes, and through interactive discussion board threads and posts. In addition to acknowledging these learned methods, this paper also includes insight into how I will be able to proceed in future courses, applying this newly acquired knowledge of research along with a biblical worldview, and how to properly examine research methods against the consistency of biblical principles and ethics. The challenge in writing a paper like this has been to write it in the format of an APA article, as outlined within the APA Manuel. Much of the context throughout the paper may seem less than scholarly, given that this is a paper written by myself, about myself, but that context will align with the instructions for the assignment.
Over the course of this semester, I have had the opportunity to learn about educational psychology. I have always enjoyed psychology and was especially interested in how it applied to teaching in the classroom. There were five specific concepts we discussed over the semester that especially interested me. I found that homogenous and heterogeneous grouping, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, operant conditioning, cooperative learning, and divergent versus convergent thinking are five psychological concepts that every teacher should learn about in preparation for teaching.
Education is one of the most essential necessities of a personal life because without education, we would not have a brighter future. In two essays “Learning to Read and Write” and “A Homemade Education”, Malcolm and Douglass describe what they have gone through in order to become more successful in their pursuits in life. While Malcolm X lived part of his life in prison, he spent his time writing numerous definitions from a dictionary amongst the walls and tables. The elements of the dictionary motivated him to not only become a free man, but a well educated one at that. Douglass, who also taught himself, began his life in slavery. But after a series of attempts, he escapes from slavery and pursues into his
There is no one size fits all teaching strategy for all students. Therefore teachers must use a variety of teaching strategies to cater for a variety of different learners (Gill, 2013). It is important for teachers to regularly evaluate their practices and whether they are meeting the learning needs of all students (Zeichner & Liston, 1987). Self-evaluation can assist teachers to improve the educational experiences provided for students and assist in identifying the professional education you need to further develop your capacity to teach well (Schwartz, n.d.). As a future teacher developing learning programs, teaching, assessing, providing feedback on student learning and reporting to parents/carers are skills I must be proficient in.