For the first part of this assignment I have chosen Religion, because the popularity of this religion.
Daily Effect of a Roman Catholic.
I can find a catholic community anywhere I go.
I can turn on the television and see people my religion or portraying my religion.
Many people are the same religion as me in my neighborhood.
I have no issue finding a catholic church in my neighborhood.
I can find schools that teaches my faith.
I can find books and magazines that talk about my faith.
I feel welcome when I go to a catholic church.
The roman catholic faith is vert popular and is found everywhere.
My faith is very respectful when it comes to other faiths.
I can be sure of finding people in my community who would talk to me about
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Reading Peggy McIntosh's essay "Unpacking the Knapsack of white privilege" I felt very uncomfortable because even thought you don’t want to believe that your skin color and race, can have so much impact on how your life can be and how people would treat you is very sad. We are people and that’s all that matters, why do we have to put down other groups because of the way they look or speak. Is hard to explain how I really felt because for some reason I felt betray why am not sure I feel like I have so much against me that is very scary think about it am a Mexican female, and as a woman I already have so much negativity coming towards me and then you add that am Mexican and its very overwhelming. I got very emotional doing the assignment to the point that it was hard to finish. I think because of what's going on in our society, many groups targeting my people and trying to raise kids in this world is getting harder. but I think the first list was easier because if I kept on going with the second list I would have a longer paper and more negative thoughts in my head. Am very proud of being Mexican and I wouldn't change that for anything, but sometimes all the negative things that people say about your people can be very
The topic I chose to write about that interest me the most is religion. I chose religion because there are lots of differences when it comes to religion and cultures. I felt it was important to acknowledge three religions that our practiced today. The religion groups I chose to discuss in my paper are the Muslims, Santeria and Judaism .
At my parish school, I am surrounded by people that share the same faith as me and help me grow in my faith. A benefit found at my school is that I am allowed to pray whenever I want and I have group prayer before class to be with God and receive the right direction for the day. At my school we pray together before school, before each class, and at the end of the school day. I have a class each day just for learning about my Catholic faith. Therefore my Catholic school is important to me because in my religion class I can ask my teacher any question about my faith. We attend Mass at least once a month at my school, we pray the rosary in school once a month, and we go to reconciliation every other month. I can participate in leading Catholic events in my school such as the rosary, morning prayer, readings at Mass, and stations of the cross. My parish school teaches us to act in the manner of true Christians such as believing Jesus died for us to go to heaven, being active in my church, praying every day, receiving religious training, and treating my neighbor as myself. Learning at school to help others, we raise money for great causes by having out of uniform days if we bring a dollar. Our fundraising has gone to local shelters and to a family that lost their home to a fire. Out of uniform day reminds me that wearing uniforms at my school, we look nice and no one judges
What is privilege? What does it mean? Is privilege inherited or is it earned? As an American resident of color I’ve learned that privilege in this country is something that is innate and inherited. The privilege that I speak of is that of White privilege.
Minorities are still fighting to be seen as equals and treated as human but people still think we have achieved equality today. It really is up to educators to teach children about white privilege and how it affects people. White privilege is something that white people benefit from just because of what they look like, but they have no control over it. This can range from having more opportunities for jobs to being more likely to have enough money to go to private school. I am focusing more on the idea that white people have these benefits and have the privilege to deny that such a divide exists. Being able to dismiss the idea of white privilege shows ignorance and can minimize the experiences of those who have suffered at the hands of white privilege.
Many people in the United States society believe that people of all cultures, races, and ethnicities are now on an even playing field. People with this belief support their logic with the argument that since equal rights for people of color and women have been required by law for some time now, we are all inherently as equal as claimed in the Declaration of Independence. Many believe that race is no longer an issue, a viewpoint frequently referred to as color-blindness. National polling data indicated that a majority of whites now believe discrimination against racial minorities no longer exists. (Gallagher, 96) Color-blindness allows a white person to define himself or herself as politically and racially tolerant and then proclaim their
Many white Americans are living with the fear that they didn't really deserve their success, and that maybe luck and privilege had more to do with it, than brains and hard work. There are numerous reasons for the widespread discrimination at all levels, but the main reason for the existence of discrimination is a privilege to certain groups of people, and widespread social prejudice towards certain groups of people. Differences between people have always existed, but they gain in importance only when are different importance given to certain differences, so it creates privileges. People who are privileged in one society are often not aware of their privilege. It is very easy to be oblivious to the privilege. The problem of discrimination
Peddy McIntosh highlighted various unearned white privileges in her autobiographical article “White Privilege, Color and Crime: A Personal Account.” She illustrated the white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that one white person could count on cashing in each day. White people have these privileges given to them by the society in which they live in. The same society taught them to be ignorant and unawareness of these privileges. This system of unearned privileges established by white individuals made people of color feel oppressed. In this system being white is a norm and dominant power. Caucasians, who benefit most from the white privilege system in the United States, are more likely to
The power of white privilege is something that quite frankly isn’t talked about enough but as a society many people believe that racism doesn’t exist. However, there is this unspoken advantage that whites are given called privilege, which is something that gives them a step ahead in society. Tim Wise talks about it in the video using specific examples to back up his point that white privilege is so prevalent and how others don’t even recognize that it is a serious issue. A study that was done in 2006, showed that out of 100 white people that were asked only 6% of those people thought that racial discrimination still existed in society. He also went on to mention that 2/3 of the white people who were alive during the civil right movement
“Racism is a bad thing, you find it everywhere in the schools, the clubs and also in the streets.”
Some people define race as if it is something solid or concrete, but what they don’t see is that it is a “social fabrication”(Mathew Desmond, Mustafa Emibayer,2009;2). Race is based on the difference in physical appearance which is determined, for example, by the most apparent trait; skin color. Inequality emerges when people living, whether on the same sovereign terrain or across continents, are not treated with the same amount of respect and not given the chance to engage their rights in a free and fair manner. Race and inequality are often linked together because of the “issues that began in the 1800s”(NFB;Journey to Justice;2000) such as racial segregation. Over the years issues of race and inequality have
Today, a serious problem exists all over the world. Racial oppression takes place in the poorest and the richest countries, including America. Racial oppression is characterized by the majority, or the ruling race, imposing its beliefs, values, and laws on the minority, or the ruled race. In most areas, the ruling race is upper class whites that run the “system”, and have a disproportionate amount of power. In other areas, it may not be the white race, but it is still the race that is comprised of the majority, makes the laws, or has the most money. These are the keys to domination over the weaker minorities that don’t have the power to thrive under the majority’s system according to their own cultural beliefs,
In our modern society, religion can either promote positive, optimistic actions or negative, destructive ones. From Christianity to Daoism, each different religion shapes the lives of its followers. Christianity and Hinduism can propel their followers to achieve moral greatness, while Islam and _____ can cause people to do heinous, damaging acts of violence and self-destruction.
The book, Privilege, Power, and Difference brought awareness to where I stand as a Latina female in the United States. Growing up, I did not like to focus on the differences I experienced or saw others experience. These differences made me feel angry, scared, nervous, confused, and hopeless. Instead of focusing on the unfairness I was a part of I decided to look at it as a challenge, I would prove to myself that I could do whatever I set my mind to. I took every opportunity handed to me and tried to make the best of it, to make myself proud and my family proud. At least that is what I thought at the time, but now that I have had time to reflect on my desire to succeed I know that part of that desire comes from proving to the dominant culture that minorities can succeed.
In the United States and internationally, there is a multitude of indicators that the racial environment is changing. Environmental pollution and racism are connected in more ways than one. The world is unconsciously aware of environmental intolerances, yet continues to expose the poor and minorities to physical hazards. Furthermore, sociologist continue to study “whether racial disparities are largely a function of socioeconomic disparities or whether other factors associated with race are also related to the distribution of environmental hazards” (Mohai and Saha 2007: 345). Many of these factors include economic positions, health disparities, social and political affairs, as well as racial inequalities.
Prior to beginning my readings on white racial identity, I did not pay much attention to my white race. If someone had asked me to describe my appearance I would have said short blond hair, blue eyes, average stature, etc. One of the last things I would have noted was the color of my skin. Growing up in overwhelmingly white communities, I never thought to use the color of my skin to differentiate myself from others. Over the course of this dialogue I have learned that my white racial identity is one of the most defining aspects of my appearance in this society. There is a certain level of privilege that I am afforded based solely on the color of my skin. According to Peggy McIntosh, “White privilege is like an invisible weightless