
Essay Why Wood He Work

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Why Wood He Work? The great American poet, Robert Frost crafted numerous masterpieces in his time. At first glance, Frost’s poems often narrate a simple story or describe a rural scene; however, these sweet poems carry dark undertones. The chief subject in Frost’s literature is death; he delves into humanity’s perception of death along with different ways society acts as a catalyst towards death. Generally speaking, Frost uses several techniques in his poetry that contribute to an overarching focus on death. Starting with plot and setting, Frost’s poems often describe a rather pleasant situation in nature; since virtually everyone experiences nature, this setup allows Frost's poetry to be universally applicable. These scenes are depicted with a conflict and can usually relate to death. In addition to the plot and setting indicating death, Frost typically refers to an aspect of human nature that contributes physical or emotional pain or death. The connection between societal weakness and human death is arguably one of …show more content…

Frost, along with this poem, address an underlying problem humans face. A common topic in Frost’s poetry is the negative impact society has on people; “Swells of Glory” embodies this sentiment by addressing the negative impact ostracization can have on a young girl. Additionally, “Swells of Glory”personifies nature, a tactic Frost perfects in his poetry, allowing the poem to be understood by all. “Swells of Glory” uses a similar rhyme scheme to one of Frost’s greatest poems, “Stopping by Woods On A Snowy Evening”, allowing for an easy flow from one line to the next. One aspect of Frost’s poetry that “Swells of Glory” is not quite able to emulate is Frost’s use of symbols in his poetry. Frost poetry allows symbols, along with more effective imagery, to convey emotions and meaning but “Swells of Glory” relies on the text itself to convey much its

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