The three communication theories I have applied to provide the most insight into understanding the dynamics of the observed conversation between two people are; the transmission model (Shannon & Weaver 1949), Foulger 's ecological model (Foulger 2004), and an expanded model of communication (Eunson 2012).
In this essay I have used a conversation I had listened to which was between my friend (from here on will be named George) and his friend (from here on will be named Mark). Problems that arose during the conversation will be explained as well as how George and Mark overcame them. From there the essay will compare and contrast the three communication theories and decide which of these best simplify the conversation.
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Figure 2: An Ecological Model of the Communication (Source: Foulger 2004)
Eunson 's expanded model of communication is more complex than Foulger 's as well as Shannon and Weaver 's models, though it is more appropriate to this conversation had between George and Mark due to the fact it shows that in order for the communication to happen the sender must pre-edit and then encode the message pass the message onto the receiver where he decodes and edits the message. Eunson also takes into account the use of mechanical, behavioural and semantic factors of encoding, and understands that if the message is to be understood the receiver must be able to decode the message. This is particularly relevant, and highly important to this conversation between George and Mark due to the factors mentioned before.
Figure 3: An expanded model of communication (Source: Eunson 2012)
I have found Shannon and Weavers transactional model too simple and cannot evaluate the complexities of this situation, and that Foulger 's model too broad and not able to focus on the problems that need to be addressed.
Therefore, I believe that Eunson 's expanded model of communication is the most adequate to use out of the three models that were written about because Eunson 's model has shown how a message from George is first pre-edited
This assignment will discuss two well known theories of effective communication. Firstly it will look at Michael Argyle (1972), the cycle of communication and then it will discuss Bruce Tuckman (1965) stages of communication.
Stage one of the Argyle is when the idea is thought of by the communicator, and include them to adapt their words and expressions to match the audience the conversation is for; e.g. the elderly; we may have to talk louder as some elderly people (Or some young people/adults with hearing problems.)cannot hear the same as when they were younger, children; may need more expressions and fewer words, the body language used should be calm and inviting and voices should be calm and gentle rather than tense, or even a work colleague; will need to have clear communication together in order to be able to do your job effectively and to complete your daily duties within the job. . The sending of the message is known as ‘encoding’, at this stage the communicator is planning what needs to be said, this stage is very effective as it can help conversations to be delivered in an effective way, for example; if a doctor needs to tell his patient that they have cancer, he should plan his words or expressions very carefully so not to hurt the patient or make them feel worse than they are.
This is our final assignment for your class, and because of my communication issues with my children, I am writing this paper again and will have to redo all of my presentation. When I started this class, I was stunned because I thought I knew everything I needed about communication. Well as you can guess, I was wrong I have learned quite a bit along this long journey through Introduction to Communication. I am here writing about some of the key points of communication that I have learned and hopefully I will be able to show you that I was able to learn from you and your
ESSAY QUESTION: Which communication theories that you have researched and applied, provide most insight into understanding the dynamics of the observed event?
In this report I will talk about four different ways of communicating, the four different communication styles are written communication, non verbal, verbal and computerized. Communication is something that everyone does without even thinking. Communication is giving information either verbally or written and the person receiving and obtaining the information. This process is an ongoing process such as one person may say something and in turn you may say something. Now you both have gain new information. This can happen in the simplest conversations such as ‘How
The communication theory was proposed by S.F Scudder in the year 1980. It states that all living beings existing on the planet communicate although the way of communication is different. The universal law of the communication theory says that all living things, whether they’re plants, animals or human beings, communicate through sound, speech, visible changes, body movements, gestures or in the best way possible to make others aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems, happiness or any other information. (Merton, R.K. 2001)
Communication involves the exchange of messages and is a process which all individuals participate in. Whether it is through spoken word, written word, non-verbal means or even silence, messages are constantly being exchanged between individuals or groups of people (Bach & Grant 2009). All behaviour has a message and communication is a process which individuals cannot avoid being involved with (Ellis et al 1995).
One theory of communication is Argyle’s stages of the communication cycle. This is when we try to understand what we are being told by another person.
This assignment will start by discussing two well-known theories known as ‘the cycle of communication’ by Michael Argyle and ‘the stages of communication’ by Bruce Tuckman. Firstly, it will look at Michael Argyle’s ‘The cycle of communication’.
In the chapter dealing with communication models, we understand that models help us understand what we perceive and also help us understand how out thinking works. Models have an impact on the way we anticipate and respond as well. The book gives the example of the universe and about how it comprises of the idea of the earth as a sphere and about how it spins on an imaginary axis and revolves around the sun. This theoretical assumption helps us to come up with predictions of climate, seasons, light and dark. Language is the means by
Throughout the semester, we have studied numerous communication theories. Their purpose is to help understand exactly what happens when we interact with others. We might not necessarily agree with all of the theories, but the idea is to develop tools to evaluate situations we may encounter. Often, when the theories are explained in the readings or lecture, it is beneficial to apply the concepts to a "real life" situation. Using this approach, I will use a situation that many of us have faced, or will face, and analyze it according to a particular communication theory.
Does it offer a full description and explanation it studies? Reading this book it made me understand that theories in communication are tested every time they are used as a means of evaluating them. To determine good theory it takes into account description and explanation says Juliana. Paying more attention on a phenomenon being researched is what researchers aim at through asking themselves a set of questions. For example, Juliana says, “To do so, we ask how well a theory answers a what question (What is it?) and the how or why question (How does it operate? Why does this happen?)”(p.39)
In our lives today, we need to know how to work with people on a large scale more than ever. There are increased ways to communicate, and more ways to get your voice heard than ever before. We live in an era of rapidly changing technology, which tends to speed up communication and push us to make quicker decisions. With that being said, I would like to introduce a theory that can aid us in our quest for clear communication.
Through my development as a teacher I have used 3 main models of communication; linear model, interactive model and competent communication model. The linear model is sender (code) to receiver (channel), also known as Lasswell Formula and information model. In this instance I use PowerPoint as the code as this can be accessed online through ‘blackboard’ before, during and after the lesson. The channel is both verbal and nonverbal; learner reading or my body language during presentation. Interaction model has the same principle as linear, however feedback from the receiver is given to the sender, also known as the Shannon and Weaver model. This model promotes for effective questioning and directed study within group tasks, including problem based learning and case studies. This is
In addition, understanding different models of communication enable members inside and outside an organisation to depict different messages being provided by the employee or customer and develop their communication skills. The Shannon and Weaver model of communication was developed to show the effects of communication between two people (Kikoski, 1993). In the Shannon and Weaver model, a message is encoded (via a symbolic form) from a source (the sender) through a medium called a channel, and decoded (retranslated) by the receiver. However, the message can be interrupted by a process called noise and can result in discrepancy and sometimes negative feedback from the receiver (Bowman and Targowski, 1987). In response to the Shannon and Weaver model of communication, through the identification of any noise within the communication process, as a result of the manager level of attunement in communication skills, the encoded