
Examples Of Sethe Act Of Filicide In Beloved

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Sethe's Act of Filicide in Beloved

Shortly after the publication of Beloved, Toni Morrison commented in an interview that Sethe's murder of Beloved "was the right thing to do, but she had no right to do it.... It was the only thing to do, but it was the wrong thing to do."1[1] Does this remark prove the moral ambiguity of the infanticide, as Terry Otten argues?2[2] Yes, it was right but wrong, and wrong but right. However, the most important thing is that "It was the only thing to do." Sethe had no choice. If there is anything wrong, it must be either, in Paul D's words, her "too thick" love, or the inhumane institution of slavery. However, as Sethe answers back to Paul D, for her, "Thin love ain't love at all" (164). …show more content…

She would rather kill them, have them die.3[3]

From this interview, three points can be made about what Morrison had in mind when she wrote Sethe's story, the "unspeakable thoughts, unspoken": (1) it is the suffering that the mother wants to protect her children from; (2) the mother loves her children "so" much; (3) the "would rather" does not mean that it is her "choice" to kill the children. As a loving mother, she cannot see her children sullied and hurt as she has suffered under slavery. I shall speak for Sethe in terms of the suffering and her "thick" love.

Sethe's "rememory" of suffering goes back to her relationship with her nameless mother, the broken bondage.4[4] Sethe, taken away from her own mother, was nurtured by Nan, who gave Sethe her leftover milk after feeding white children. Sethe's mother herself killed all her children except Sethe. Sethe heard from Nan about how special Sethe is to her mother.

She [Sethe's mother] threw them all away but you. The one from the crew she threw away on the island. The others from more whites she also threw away. Without names, she threw them. You she gave the name of the black man. She put her arms around him. The others she did not put her arms around. Never. Never. (62)

Sethe's mother threw away several nameless babies, because they were not from a loving relation. It seems that Sethe's mother has got a different

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