
Est1 Task 7

Decent Essays

Research: Title 7 of the U.S. Code outlines the responsibility of the agriculture secretary for directing all research activities within the USDA. He identifies to which areas research efforts should be directed, appoints USDA officials responsible for data collection and processing, upon completion of research and data availability decides what further actions should be undertaken. If needed, the Congress or the president will require agriculture secretary to conduct research on a particular subject.
Free Trade in Agriculture: Under Title 7 of the U.S. Code the agriculture secretary should lead the development of new foreign and domestic markets for agricultural products, as well as expansion the both existing markets.
Educating the Public: …show more content…

Secretary Vislack is a big supporter of innovative approaches, he and his USDA team are looking for the new ways of bringing financial community and investment in rural economy together(USDA, 2015 Jul 24).
Governing Documents Describing Department of Agriculture Operations
So as to achieve its mission and implement its vision the USDA developed Strategic plan for 2015-2018. This Strategic Plan guides or in other words provides overall umbrella for USDA staff in Washington, DC to develop a set of policies and programs so as to better serve its beneficiaries. USDA’s strategic plan for 2015-2018 is also an instrument which makes USDA accountable for the fulfilment of its mission and vision.
The USDA’s strategic plan for 2015-2018 is guided by five strategic goals. This strategic document also serves as a basis for decision making process in terms of resource management and budget allocations.
Strategic Goal 1 fosters development of rural communities in order to make them more self-sustainable and become economically …show more content…

Five strategic goals also defined 16 objectives where USDA’ programs and services will apply their maximum efforts. Every strategic goal is equipped with the relevant performance indicator which will keep related programs and services accountable for the planned results. Baseline information will serve as a basis against which mid- and long-term achievements will be measured. Monitoring of performance indicators will guide further programmatic adjustments. These indicators will also help to evaluate USDA’s role in overall cross-sectoral activities and efforts. All these strategic goals, objectives and indicators form a framework which provides USDA with clear vision, action areas focused on specific outcomes and most importantly will keep USDA accountable for the

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