
Estate Income Tax Return Essay

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Soon after receiving the plan to complete the Estate Income Tax Returns, I began to execute the plan. As described in the article The Estate Income Tax Returns: The Plan to Complete the Returns, the plan, in part, involved distributing the proceeds of the rental property sale and paying out tax deductible expenses. However, before I could carry out my portion of the plan, I had to complete the following important tasks:

• Mail W-9 forms to a couple of beneficiaries not willing to give their social security number through email or by phone.
• Contact the two charities for their tax-id numbers.
• Contact the attorney and tax professional for invoices.

So, once the requested information arrives, I could begin to execute the plan.

Execute the Plan

About a week after completing the important tasks, all the …show more content…

Finally, the estate was at the point where I could distribute estate property. Since the beneficiaries weren’t expecting much from the estate, they were about to receive an unexpected surprise. However, I couldn’t let the excitement affect the work that still remains.

The will provided for a twisted distribution formula and I had to get it right. So, I wrote a draft of the distribution and had the attorney and tax professional look it over. They both approved of the distribution and, at that point, I wrote out the checks. Along with the checks, I included a letter explaining that this is the first distribution of three. The next distribution will distribute the last of the estate property, and the third distribution was to close out what remains in the estate account. To get the beneficiaries feeling giddy, I told them that the first distribution consisted of only the proceeds from the sale of the rental property, which accounted for about a third of the estate value. So, after reading this letter, I am sure the beneficiaries would feel pleasantly surprised. If not

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