
Eternal Sunshine Belonging

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I remember writing a speech in English class in high school about human behavior on happiness. In this paper I wrote, “I think we spend too much time contemplative on the undesirable certainties of our past and we become so blinded by all the good things that are happening around us.” The song Eternal Sunshine is written by Jhenè Aiko; in this song she reaches out for something more intimate like disturbing memories hidden deep within her mind. This specific music video takes you through a series of events from Jhenè’s past, stressing the presence of thoughts we put aside when surrounded by people, things we only think about when we are in a dark place in life, and concealed in eternal thoughts. Throughout the video, Jhenè’s body is arising from the ground while her potentially fatal car accident is vividly reenacted behind her along with good remembrances from her childhood. Though Jhenè Aiko is usually speaking about love and weed that does not infer that she has not had her fair stake of pain within her personal …show more content…

You see throughout the whole video that the background is the street where the accident happened. Jhenè brings in the video with her body slowly uprising from the bare streets behind her. Though the lighting throughout the video is frequent, the angle in which Jhenè’s arising body is shot, gives viewers the desire to look forward to an unpredictable scene. By this being the introduction to Jhenè’s music video, it instantly sets the mood and emotions for the audience. It was a great introduction to the movie because it made wonder what was going to happen next. Before the video I had no clue this incident ever occurred in her life. With Aiko singing, “Is it strange for me to say that if I were to die today, there’s not a thing that I would change. I’ve lived well,” she implies that everything happens for a

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