I remember writing a speech in English class in high school about human behavior on happiness. In this paper I wrote, “I think we spend too much time contemplative on the undesirable certainties of our past and we become so blinded by all the good things that are happening around us.” The song Eternal Sunshine is written by Jhenè Aiko; in this song she reaches out for something more intimate like disturbing memories hidden deep within her mind. This specific music video takes you through a series of events from Jhenè’s past, stressing the presence of thoughts we put aside when surrounded by people, things we only think about when we are in a dark place in life, and concealed in eternal thoughts. Throughout the video, Jhenè’s body is arising from the ground while her potentially fatal car accident is vividly reenacted behind her along with good remembrances from her childhood. Though Jhenè Aiko is usually speaking about love and weed that does not infer that she has not had her fair stake of pain within her personal …show more content…
You see throughout the whole video that the background is the street where the accident happened. Jhenè brings in the video with her body slowly uprising from the bare streets behind her. Though the lighting throughout the video is frequent, the angle in which Jhenè’s arising body is shot, gives viewers the desire to look forward to an unpredictable scene. By this being the introduction to Jhenè’s music video, it instantly sets the mood and emotions for the audience. It was a great introduction to the movie because it made wonder what was going to happen next. Before the video I had no clue this incident ever occurred in her life. With Aiko singing, “Is it strange for me to say that if I were to die today, there’s not a thing that I would change. I’ve lived well,” she implies that everything happens for a
Ray Bradbury’s story “All Summer in a Day” starts out on a rainy day on the planet Venus. Although it wasn’t just that day that was rainy, it’s been rainy every day for seven years. As there was a time long ago when the sun casted on this rainy planet, the children on Venus could not remember. Except for one, Margot a young girl that had just arrived from Earth four years ago. She remembers the warmth and brightness of the sun while she lived in Ohio with her family. At her new school on Venus, Margot shares her memories of the sun with her classmates. Her classmates don’t remember the sun causing them to get jealous and them to hurt Margot later in the story. This suggests that when people can’t get over their
Living in the past is something a lot of people are guilty of. Everyone looks back on their past at the wonderful things they have done. The poem “Old Men Playing Basketball” by B. H. Fairchild and the song “Glory Days” by Bruce Springsteen share this quality. While they are similar in subject matter, time, and theme, they differ in point of view, tone, repetition, and the use of allusion. In Fairchild’s poem, he wonders if the old men are thinking about their youth. In Springsteen’s song, he talks to two friends who are reliving their glory days.
In an environment plagued by incessant consumerism and perpetual egocentrism, one can easily begin to feel disconnected from other members of society. It is becoming exceedingly difficult to have truly meaningful relationships with anyone by cause of the cold, systematic, and covetous fashion in which our world is governed. Due to the lack of feeling a common unity, many families become disjointed and dysfunctional. There is, however, a way in which people can once again sense profound interconnectedness. Through distinct and intimate experiences with others, an individual’s sense of societal separation is replaced with an intense perception of harmony. A film that perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon is the Academy Award-winning comedy, Little Miss Sunshine (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2006). The film tells the story of an idiosyncratic family which travels across the country in order get Olive (Abigail Breslin), an aspiring beauty queen, to the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. Through a series of conflicts, the family undergoes many transformative and significant experiences. As a result, important messages can be discerned from the film. Little Miss Sunshine follows Hollywood’s typical three-act structure of set-up, confrontation, and resolution in order to develop the notion that direct, human experiences lead to the
Hello, my name is Valerie Faris, and I am one of the co-directors (along with Jonathan Dayton) of the film, 'Little Miss Sunshine'. When making this film, my co-director and I heavily aimed to portray the different ways we as human beings search to find our place in the world. We focused on the conception of building relationships and trust within the concept of a family. We wanted to convey the concept that when it comes to family, its never too late to re-connect and belong.
Certain songs resonate deep down within one’s soul. The reason may not seem clear, but particular songs cause an effect on a person when they are heard. Many songs cause this reaction, and even though a person cannot quite put his or her finger on the how and why, a person experiences this forever. A song can achieve incredible things. Whether the song lifts someone’s spirits, transports their mind to a time and place long since passed, or breaks their hearts, music is a constant. Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man” may have been overshadowed by the band’s songs “Free Bird” and “Sweet Home Alabama”, but “Simple Man” takes a person back to their childhood, evokes hope, and reminds people that the things needed in life remain simple
And somehow, that stung more than the numbed pain she felt taking a friend's life.
"Belonging is more than a state, it is a dynamic process which is affected by the individual's personal circumstances and the relationship he/she has with others around him/her and the larger social circumstances which determine the course of action taken by the individual". Due to the complex and philosophical nature of the concept of belonging, a universal sense of belonging can be found in unique circumstances for different people. As every individual has their own specific desires, values and needs, they can find their place in this world and gain a true sense of belonging along various avenues and paths. The pastoral play ‘As You Like It’ by William Shakespeare explores these notions of belonging and so to does ‘We are going” by Oodgeroo
Countless people around the world listen to various styles of music. Despite the genre, whether it be country or hip hop, these songs deliver a message onto it’s listeners daily. Same songs could have a different meaning to different people depending on the experiences that they go through or the tribulations that one is currently facing. Spotless Minds by Jhene Aiko offers a message about love and how although love could be a blessing, it can also act as a curse. This song should not be viewed as merely a song, but more like a lesson that is teached using only a few lyrics. The deeper the context, the more meaning the song will have on particular people. The art in the way these lyrics are carefully composed, when sung, conveys a bittersweet message that reminds listeners of the joys and miseries of love as well as the experiences that Jhene went through. The lyrics, the deeper meanings hidden behind stanzas, and the relatability of this song are reasons why Spotless Minds is an interesting yet harsh reality that love isn’t how people see it in the movies. This song carries in it a meaning of true love that yearns to be heard around the world. Whether heard by a married couple or a high school relationship that is still blossoming, this song speaks to all who are willing to listen.
Most people find themselves getting lost to soothing sounds of music, both the melodies and lyrics are able to take them to another world. A world of serenity and peace, a world where there is no longer anything but the sweet sounds of a song. It’s funny how something so trivial can possibly have such a great effect on a person. They ignore the horrors around them as they are too busy focusing on how a simple chain of notes and rhythms can be so beautiful regardless of what the song itself might be about. In The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, he writes a book centered around a time period rampant with self deprecation and despair but is somehow able to maintain a sense of hope and possible happiness as an outcome through various writing
Harrison touches on the subject of nostalgia and connecting to the past, specifically in ‘Illuminations II’ Harrison recalls spending time with his father as a child and suggests that there will always be a connection between him and his father. The polysemic significance of the title ‘Illuminations’ could relate to lighting of the machines on Blackpool’s central pier, but could also have a deeper meaning, that Harrison sees a light in his father, illuminating his view of him and opening his eyes to understanding him. Harrison emphasises the importance of ‘illuminations,’ which is created by the semantic field of electricity. Harrison says ‘The current would connect’ and ‘we would feel the buzz,’ which creates a sense of belonging, especially
“Can’t Stop the Feeling,” was written for the movie Trolls. He helped to capture the spirit of the movie through music, which is very important to the happy go lucky attitude of the characters and plot. The story teaches the viewers that life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows, but that happiness is inside you and it always has been, you just have to choose to find it. This gave me a new outlook on happiness. I was like the Bergens, the unhappy neighbors of the Trolls. I thought you had do things and have things to make you happy. But the movie Trolls has helped me realize that happiness is a choice. You are in control of your happiness, but sometimes you just need someone to help you find it. In this universe, there is overly happy and overly sad. Poppy lives each day grateful for her friends, singing and dancing. She cherishes each moment and finds the bright side of everything, even when Branch, her pessimistic friend, believes there isn’t
Both the song lyrics and the video have a core ethos that they share. The trend of ethos in the video is somewhat more noticeable than the ethos in the song because of the visuals provided, but still just as complex. Whereas in the song the writer is simply stating that he wishes he could turn back time, in the video, he brings the audience back in time with him to see the things that he experienced as a child.
The second song I analyzed was “Paradise” by Coldplay. Similarly to “Kids”, the song “Paradise” starts with the idea of childhood. “When she was just a girl she expected the world. But it flew away from her reach so she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of paradise” is the opening verse for this tune. It talks of a young girl with big dreams expecting the world. As the girl in the song grows up she finds that life is not as simple as she believed. “Life goes on, it gets so heavy. The wheel breaks the butterfly. Every tear a waterfall. In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes.” Those lyrics are a good example of how life has some downs, tears, and storms, but it talks of how the girl stays positive when the song says, “She’d say, ‘I know the sun must set to rise.’” I think this song is a good reflection of me. I have big dreams for myself, but as life goes on I go through some bumps in the road. I have encountered many of my own stormy nights, but I know the sun will rise to a clearer and brighter day in time. I have learned not to expect things to be handed to me, but to chase after my dreams, and my own perfect paradise to a path of success.
For the entirety of my life I have had a tremendous interest, and genuine love for music. As a musician, I have a deeper understanding of music, and the ability to connect to what an artist is conveying. Blind Melon’s “No Rain” has always been a song I have enjoyed, but recently I have come to the realization that it connects to my life personally. The lyrics of the song are an example of how I live carefree, and the singer's blithe tone is symmetrical to my life of simplicity.
To begin with, we should address the title of the film. The title Sunshine, creates an illusion of something warm, happy, and necessary. It helps