
Ethical Behavior As A Fundamental Part Within Creating The Prosperous Company

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Commitment to ethical behavior is one of the trends with human behavior in organizations described by Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn and Osbron (2012). Authors define the commitment to ethical behavior as a fundamental part in creating the prosperous company. Workers of the institution, especially leaders, should be aware of the influence of unethical behavior on the success of the company. The trust of customers can be easily disrupted by illegal actions and dishonest behavior leading to the failure of the business (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn & Osbron, 2012) Demise of command and control is another trend mentioned by Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn and Osbron (2012). People change as much as the world around them. As people develop new life priorities, classic methods of leading are not fitting anymore. Authors suggest that new practices involving “shared leadership, flexible structures” (p. 8) need to be applied for better cooperation between leaders and workers (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn and Osbron, 2012) In chapter 1, Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn and Osborn (2012) discuss the scientific and contingency thinking. According to scientific theory presented by authors there is no one right way to lead a organization. Managerial decisions are based on previously tested and accepted data, gathered in the controlled environment. In contingency thinking, various organizational problems need to be managed differently depending on personalities and circumstances

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