I am thoroughly already following this conduct. However I am keeping up to date by taking required courses/training also to make myself more efficient to be compliant with these rules. I take courses/ training within my own organization which adhere to my ethical code and make me more efficient in providing better health care to my patients.
Having an effective ethics and compliance in health care training course for employees within a company is a positive effort to keep not only the company running strong and efficient, but also developing standards for other companies to follow who are trying to create a more applicable format for corporate regulations. According to federal guidelines, designated and regulated by the Office of Inspector General (OIG), a company in compliance to federal healthcare standards will have effective education of employees, investigation measures, discipline and enforcement measures, intervention of violation standards, strong internal audit standards, compliance officers and staff, and lastly, written company standards and policies that is freely available to all employees.
I am the health mental health worker and I have a dilemma. To figure out the right course of action I looked at two standards in the NASW Code of Ethics. The two standards I chose are 1.01, which is in the best interest of the client, and 1.07 c, which is; keep information told to me in the file since it is confidential. Standard 1.01 is linked to the context because if I follow this standard I will be helping the client because he can be reunited with his son. 1.07c is linked to this dilemma because what is told to me in confidence needs to stay confidential. The action to follow 1.01 tells the child protection worker because it is in the best interest of the client. For standard 1.07c the action to follow would be that I cannot tell because
One can appreciate the level of confidentiality that the law affords individuals who seek help for addiction. Indeed, one should be free to accept therapy or rehabilitation without fear of repercussions. Surely one can appreciate the delicate situation that clients may find themselves in if their employer or school learned of their struggle with addiction. While we, as counselors, appreciate the bravery and fortitude it takes to ask for help with dependency, discrimination still exists. Therefore, the Code of Federal Regulations, (CFR) in addition to the NAADAC code of ethics, provide a useful framework not only for client's but counselors as well. Additionally, whether or not the rehabilitation program is state funded (nonprofit), or private (for profit) also determines the confidentiality regulations,
For the CRCC Code of Ethics it can better guide individuals in this certain situation. After reviewing the CRCC Code of Ethics there was several areas of CRCC Code of Ethics which could be applicable in this situation. The first section that could be applicable would be Part A section 3 of which will allow the counselors to form a limitation, rights and guidance for the client. For example in this situation the child is not adjusting to school and by forming a guideline for the student it can show how the student could better cope. The next section that could be applicable would be Part A section 4 of which avoiding harm to the client. For example this student did acquired a spinal cord inquiry and having a hard time adjusting to school however by being a recent graduate student the values and beliefs might be different versus someone whom has been on the job for a couple of years. Another area of the CRCC Code of Ethics that could give guidance would be all of section B. Since in this area of the CRCC Code of Ethics is based upon some of the most important aspects of dealing with clients which are the confidentiality, privileged, communication and privacy of the clients.
There are many publications that would bring value to the overall presentation of knowledge one could gain in search of further understanding of areas related to social work as a profession. Many understandings are attributed to social workers and case managers, who have chosen to work not with raw materials to create a finished product, but precious human life. This challenge brings on many personal and ethical struggles since erred raw materials can typically be discarded and another produced. In the field of social work, a misdiagnosis creates an extenuating circumstance and another attempt to get the medication or therapeutic process correct. In the article Social workers and the NASW Code of Ethics: belief, behavior, disjuncture, the
Social equality is the concept in which all individuals possess the same fundamental basic liberties, opportunities, moral value/respect, and social benefits. The concept of ‘equality’ has a multiplicity of meanings and definitions, and with the rise of liberalization and democratization around the world ‘social equality’ has become the most predominant. As economic openness creates greater wealth disparities, the parallel rise of democratization has enabled citizens to demand more accountability measures and public welfare services from their governments in order to manage such disparities. Although the movement towards greater social
As a profession the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), believes every person should be entitled to the basic right of self-determination. The NASW code of ethics clearly defines the role of a social worker and a client’s right to self-determination as, a social worker is to respect and promote a client’s right to self-determination, while assisting clients with identifying and clarifying client goals (NASW Code of Ethics, 2008, 1.02 Self-Determination). Ethical considerations may arise when a social worker using his or her professional judgement limits a client’s right to self-determination, when the clients’ actions or potential actions pose an imminent risk to themselves or others.
The NASW Ethical Principle of service is most relevant to the social problem of hunger because this principle covers a social workers primary goal to help people that are in need and to address the social problems (NASW Code of Ethics). Due to the tremendous amount of people who current live in poverty, not being able to afford a suitable amount food increased the amount of hunger around society. This suggests that the issue of huger should be addressed by social workers who have the amount of knowledge and skills to advocate for these clients. For a social worker to take the time of day to address these social issues and problems. Make a difference by taking it to a higher power. A social worker should also spend time by helping the population with no expectations of zero to little pay (NASW Code of Ethics).
Responsible assessment can be defined as a continual process of gaining information by getting to know the child. All teachers should practice responsible assessment by using knowledge, skill, and disposition to address the needs of young children. Teachers assess children because it provides them the needed information to provided essential help to children with learning disabilities and needs. Assessment also gives teachers a guided approach to teaching that is fitted to each individual child. The purpose of assessing young children is not merely to learn about children, but to uncover and plan for their individual learning styles, behaviors, weaknesses, skills, and personalities. Teacher’s beliefs, efforts, and ethics should guide them to
As a Director of Human Resources for a public organization, in writing a comprehensive Code of Ethics, I would define the following key areas regarding expected standard of employee behavior as especially important; 1. A code of conduct regarding sexual harassment, discrimination and equal opportunity, 2. Confidentiality and privacy, 3. Workplace health and safety, and 4. Drug free work environment.
Everything you talked about in your post conforms to the guideline of ACA. As we exercise our skills, we do so that we might better match the demands of our clients and create a healthier society.
The Code of Ethics for the Health Information Management team is a very serious topic that should never be taken lightly. If your staff is not trained properly according to the code and, or if your staff is trained properly, but not adhering to the code…then your team could face some serious repercussions in the not so distant future. Yes we’ve all heard the saying that, some rules are meant to be broken, but be forewarned…these are not the rules you want to play with. The code includes principles and guidelines that are pretty straightforward and the HIM Staff should have no issues in heading in the right direction with these policies; however, if they don’t follow through these policies are enforceable.
Throughout my life, I have always loved helping people and enhancing them to be the best person they can be. My purpose for choosing to pursue social work as a degree is through the burning desire I have upheld to support individuals achieve their goals. I consider myself as someone who is keen on acquiring new skills and knowledge of understanding on a daily basis. This is due to my motivation and determination as those two things are essential to sustain as an individual. From previous experience obtained by working in a Care home & Nursery, I have always had a passion to guide individuals who are less able to do so.
Delta is the name of my country.It is located by the west coast out side of the united states.All the people in the country loves living in Delta because of all peace and quite.As their country leader I decided that our country religion is Christianity. I chose this religion because more than 8 billion people believe that Jesus came to earth to save our sins. The Bible also shows the way through life and and how to live through life and worship God. GOd also wants us to sin and follow all of the ten commandments,so the people that are in my country would right with God.
"Our results indicate that the informal methods ("manager sets an example" or "social norms of the organization") are likely to yield greater commitment with respect to both employee attitudes than formal methods ("training courses on the subject of ethics") (Adam, et al, 2004).