The counseling profession has dealt in the past to prevent harm from clients but not as much as in the present. However, counseling training programs are emphasizing to students in training how to prevent harming a client due to a previous error in ethical judgments. Currently, counselors to this day are dealing with court cases based on making sound ethical judgments. However, some counselors fail to follow ACA and AMHCA due to their religious beliefs which could harm a client through withholding treatment. The ACA and AMHCA Ethical Codes demonstrate not only how counselors can prevent any harm to their clients but also indicates that counselors need to be culturally sensitive. Delgado-Romero, Forrest, and Lau (2012) depict that Ethnic Minority
These publications regarding ethics, American Counseling Association: Code of Ethics (2005) and the American Association of Christian Counseling: Code of Ethics (2004), are available as a reference for use. The purpose of this paper is to compare general and specific elements of the two publications. There are two areas of general exploration: 1) relation to their format for retrieval of specific data, 2) their value or standards basis, if any, from which the publications are written. More specifically three specific areas will be compared. First, the area of informed consent as it relates to the client and the counselor. Second, codes relating to
Naureen, thank you for your discussion. The ACA Code of Ethics (2014) A.4.b. Personal Values explains that clinicians are to not impose their own beliefs and values onto the client and respect the diversity of the clients. I am confident because of what I witnessed in residency that you will be able to be objective and can overcome your own personal beliefs that differ from your clients. I believe coming from different cultural backgrounds can be a positive experience. Both the clinician and client can learn from each other different perspectives. You are completely right that the clinician should gain the trust of the clients to have a healthy therapeutic relationship.
I enjoyed reading your post. The ASCA and AMHCA has some similarities. In the AMHCA Code of Ethics (2015), that counselors should look at his or her own beliefs and values and understand that their views can impact the client. AMHCA also has their own peer review journal that provides information about research, and theories that relates to mental health counseling. I agree that advocacy is important because it brings awareness and it also important because you have someone that will speak up for the people that do not have a voice for example, children may not voice how they are feeling or believe that if they do voice their feelings, someone will not believe
The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics provides structure that protects clients. Responsibilities that counselors to be aware of is avoid imposing their own values, attitudes and beliefs on clients (Ethics, 2014). Developing a relationship with clients requires providing counseling in a culturally sensitive manner (Ethics, 2014). Counselors respect the diversity of clients take measures to ensure that they are not of risk of imposing their values onto clients (Ethics, 2014).
A counselor should be aware of the signs when their ability to work affects their clients. Eloise have encountered a traumatic incident, making her socially separated, and to some degree numb, prompting feelings of lashing out on others. Eloise needs to help herself first with her circumstance it is conflicting with her counseling, this is the rule that applies specifically to counseling (Corey,Corey,Corey & Callanan, 2014). In the event that Eloise needs to address her trauma experience, she can't help other individuals (Help, 2015). The client would not benefit from outside intervention if counselor, vitality is depleted from their experience, she can't retain what the client is experiencing. Self-care is essential to Eloise, wellbeing is one of the key factor in being a counselor (Counseling, 2011). A counselor needs a huge measure of compassion for their clients, Eloise can't give that because she is need of her own perspective.
Our counseling history and Ethical Code we practice by demand that counselors take personal responsibility to ensure equality for all. Sweeney (2001) calls for counselors to model concern and
The ACA and NAADAC code of ethics will help the counselor with decision making. When the counselor is not sure how to act or say about an issue, it is important that she goes back and review the ACA and NAADAC code of ethics to make sure she is not being biased or discriminating a client in her practice. ACA and NAADAC is a guide that will help the counselor to reference.
The ACA Code of Ethics states, “when counselors are faced with ethical dilemmas that are difficult to resolve, they are expected to engage in a carefully considered ethical decision-making process,” (ACA, 2014, p. 3). Throughout these three case studies, I will use the seven-step ethical decision-making model to address the important professional issues, relevant ethical codes, and legal standards (Forester-Miller & Davis, 1996). By applying the steps to each case I will share how I came to my resolutions.
There are multiple precautions and/or practices that private practitioners can adopt that will minimize their liability, while also promoting the best possible practice and therapy for their clients. Following the Code of Ethics, while maintaining current educational and supervision practices also help.
If you were to compare the AMA code of medical ethics to the APHA code of public health ethics, there most definitely would be conflicts. As mentioned, medical ethics looks at the individual and public health ethics deals with the population. One example of this conflict could be in AIDS testing. The individual's right to privacy and confidentiality must be maintained, while the need for public health, such as notifying their partners to prevent further spreading of the disease (Williams & Torrens, 2008).
Write a short summary of a professional code of ethics, preferably one germane to your major or field (e.g., Code of Ethics of the National Society of Engineers; Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association; Code of Ethics for the Association of American Educators)
Ethical issues continue to affect the dispensation of care in the multicultural counseling context. Counselors are increasingly dealing with issues of clients from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, they have to come up with appropriate strategies and intervention that are sensitive to the different individual attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, age, socioeconomic status and nationality. Some of the ethical issues that arise in a multicultural setting include the need for protecting the privacy or confidentiality of clients, applying culturally competent counseling practices, obtaining informed consent from the client before commencing with the interventions, striving to avoid harm to patients and their families as well as maintaining boundaries in the professional counseling relationship. There is also a need for initiating vibrant training programs to ensure that counselors understand the ethical issues inherent in the multicultural counseling context. Such training can aid in the provision of culturally competent services that are consistent with the guidelines of professional bodies such as the American Counseling Association (ACA). By providing culturally sensitive services, counselors can be in a better position to dispense appropriate, safe and patient-centered care that translates to improved treatment outcomes. This paper will look at the ethical issues that counselors face when providing services in a multicultural
Other important changes to the newest ACA Code of Ethics is not allowing personal values and religious beliefs to interfere with the work counselors do. This includes not making referrals on the basis of the counselor’s religious beliefs. Instead, the counselor needs to educate themselves in order to provide services for a variety of clients before making a referral. These updated codes work to improve client-counselor relationships and uphold the standard for professional counselors
At this point as a student, I believe I have a firm grasp on the foundations of the ACA Code of Ethics. The ACA Code of Ethics is organized for several valuable reasons. The ACA Code of Ethics serves the community, the members of the ACA, and helping professionals (CASEBOOK). The ACA Code of Ethics was created to protect and promote the wellness of the community, educate members of the helping profession and community, improve the practice of helping professionals, and protect the clients and the practitioners (LEGAL). The approach the ACA Code of Ethics uses is holding health professionals accountable for their clients. This allows clients to be protected and to be counseled in a safe and non-judgmental environment. There are five core values the ACA holds for all helping professionals. The first is enhancing growth and development for clients. The second core value is brining awareness to diversity and multicultural views. Third value is to promote social justice. Fourth value is building integrity and trust with the client. The last core value is practicing in an ethical manner (CASEBOOK). I understand the reason behind the ACA Code of Ethics, however I hope this class will teach me more about the individual codes.
In the past, counselors have lacked the knowledge and skills to interpret ethical guidelines in multicultural counseling. The ethical guidelines dictate how a counselor should have the necessary tools when conducting a counseling session. There is a shortfall of training and education when dealing with race, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds in today’s society. Ethics is a hot topic for counselors, partially because there are so many different situations that can be affected by ethical behavior. These situations can range from betraying the clients trust to injustice. There tends to be a lot of ambiguity for how to handle a situation ethically since there are a lot of