
Ethical Decision-Making Model

Decent Essays

Ethical decision making frameworks share similar guiding principles, however there are differences among how they guide the decision maker through the process. The Badaracco Model, Markkula Model, and the Nash 12 Questions Model use a set of questions that the decision maker must work through to solve the ethical dilemma. The three models share themes of asking the decision maker to identify the ethical dilemma, and to look at other perspectives and alternatives. The Servant Leadership Model is different from the other three models in several ways. While the other three approach guided a decision maker through a process the Servant Leadership model focuses more on being a servant. The other models utilize ethical standards to help think through the decision but allow the user to use different approaches. Under the Servant Leadership Model there is only one ethical standard to implement. …show more content…

One strength of the Markkula Model is it allows for five ethical standards approaches to evaluate alternatives. This allows the decision maker clarity when it comes to understanding the principles supporting their decision. One weakness of the Nash’s 12 Questions Model is its lengthy process. The decision maker will not be as likely to remember the 12 questions. Leaders are busy and need a more streamline ethical framework for decision making. The Bardaracco Model offers a more shortened question approach. The Leadership Model is good in theory, however some decisions it is not able to address. For my personal decision making model I have taken parts of the Markkula Model and the Bardaracco Model. I have adapt five steps from the two models that I will relay to solve ethical dilemmas: o Identify the ethical dilemma and who does it affect o Identify the facts and ask myself do I have relevant information to make a decision o Evaluate alternatives and different

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