
Ethical Dilemma Analysis

Decent Essays

The Code of Ethics for Nurses was developed as a guide for carryingout nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the professions (American Nurses Association, 2017). An ethical dilemma that stood out most to me in the documentary was about Roger, the young boy with muscular dystrophy. Roger was a young teen age boy who has been battling muscular dystrophy for some time now. This debillitating illness has been very hard on Roger and his mom, it is beginning to take a toll on the entire family. His condition has started to decline, and now it is time to have the conversation about death and dying. This is often a difficult and unconfortable converssation however having the conversation between Roger, his mom, and the nurse practitioner (NP) brought tears to my eyes. Initially Roger wanted to be resusitated if his heart stopped. Then he changed his mind I believe in his …show more content…

If a patient has a teminal illness they should be able to decide whether or not to prolonge life measures. It is the patients right! My beliefs and values are the same, I feel that a person should have the right to make a decision toward the end of life. I do not hink that anyone should suffer, and I know that losing a love one is difficult. Many times we can be selfish and want a person here with us even if they have no quality of life. You must ask yourself a question, would you want to live like that? We must put our own personal reasons aside and do what’s best for the patient. Death and dying is a process we all must face at some point however it is important to have your affairs in order when the time comes.

American Nurses Association. (2017). About Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

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